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Making investing interesting

Wight Flight

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Wight Flight

Thanks for all the advice. He is finally back from America and we have decided to have a competition.

We will both start off with £500 invested in whatever stocks we think will do well and add £100 every month. Honorary prize for the best fund in 12 months time.

He is actually quite excited by this. Hopefully it can 'give him the bug'

However, as I said in the OP, I know nothing about how to set this up.

I guess his ought to be in a Junior ISA. I am going to cheat and just stick my money in a managed fund for the year as a benchmark (and to save me time for now)

Does anyone know a junior ISA that allows you to pick stocks - or do you just need an online app thing which would be more up his street?

And I assume I just pick some random ISA firm and set up a direct debit?

I am clueless - not after investment advice, just the easiest way to get us both up and started.

Help gratefully received.

PS @spunko - probably should have started this in the investment forum - but I haven't been there often so didn't think of it. Can you move if you think necessary?

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I'd encourage him to buy stocks in 5 companies whose products he is most familiar with, i.e. own the company that makes the stuff he wants. Every now and again delve a bit deeper into how his product purchases affect the profitability of the companies he owns.

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