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So, after trying to trade out out hole, RBS finally admit they are just a small bank.

Death of the bif swinging dicks.

Great chart, brought tou you by Brown n Goodwin:


In one year, RBS lost all the money it in the previous 20.

Then carried on losing more.

Brownian finance write large.




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They messed up by buying the crap bits of ABN Amro. Since then they’ve been forced to sell the good bits (World Pay is now worth as much as all of RBS) and they don’t seem to know what to do other than try and cut costs. The last chief executive went balls deep into buy to let. I hope we have an extradition treaty with Australia because if RBS will need another bailout it will be due to the mortgage lending done under his watch.

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2 hours ago, Castlevania said:

They messed up by buying the crap bits of ABN Amro. Since then they’ve been forced to sell the good bits (World Pay is now worth as much as all of RBS) and they don’t seem to know what to do other than try and cut costs. The last chief executive went balls deep into buy to let. I hope we have an extradition treaty with Australia because if RBS will need another bailout it will be due to the mortgage lending done under his watch.

Well ..... looking at the history.

Rather than being some highly skilled bankers, worthy of their vast pay packets, hey are just random idiots throwing money at anything.

Ive a kindle book of Freed n RBS to work thru this week.


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