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48 minutes ago, eek said:

https://yourhome.org.uk/ is the site behind this

and https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11104403 is the company behind it.

dodgy as f*** springs to mind.

At a guess, these are one of these 'We buy your house for ca$$$h' setups.

These appear to beign used by BTLers

Then then try and offload the bought house to someone without a pit to piss.

Fuckknows how legal this is .

Looking at the companies there appears to be unregulated bonds for financing - Invest you pension pot for 8% return!


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21 hours ago, spygirl said:

At a guess, these are one of these 'We buy your house for ca$$$h' setups.

These appear to beign used by BTLers

Then then try and offload the bought house to someone without a pit to piss.

Fuckknows how legal this is .

Looking at the companies there appears to be unregulated bonds for financing - Invest you pension pot for 8% return!


I'll invest in it just as soon as I can get my money back from that German property Ponzi scheme and my Neil Woodford funds.

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5 minutes ago, Si1 said:

I'll invest in it just as soon as I can get my money back from that German property Ponzi scheme and my Neil Woodford funds.

Its Si - the scouser in Leeds!

What they were sold was an unregulated bond to be used for property development

What they heard was PROPERDEE££££££££££££

What they got was an investment with a 20% commission.






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