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Changing Tier 2 Visa Rules

No Duff (troll)

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Recently I worked with an Indian guy who left copies of all his immigration and visa documents on his pc when he left.

His sponsor was a shell company owned by Tata technologies, to say most of it was a work of fiction is perhaps over egging the pudding, but it certainly was not the whole truth.

Not that I can moan too much I managed to get an L1 visa for the USA and when I read the application it was a total fiction.

All of the government mandated visa systems are routinely gamed by lawyers, its lawyers who word the damn rules in the first place.


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Wight Flight
5 hours ago, SpectrumFX said:

We should train more than we need. All the surplus medical staff would be our gift to the world. 

Or else we could just pay them less because of supply and demand. Actually overall it might actually work out cheaper.


We don't really pay GPs.

We pay by patient. So if we had 1,000 extra GPs, the cost would be very little extra but each GP would have a smaller list and earn less but access to your GP would be improved.

Wonder why the BMA set the limit on the number we can train?

And for anyone who can't get an appointment, the answer is simple. Your GP is greedy and is charging the government for more patients than they can cope with.

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We import 65% of our food and are food venerable as we don't have the land to feed ourselves!

We have killed 70% of our pollinating insects

We cut down 15 million trees a year in the world

We consume fish faster than they can breed, the ocean now has more plastic than fish in it!

With global warming, rising sea levels, extreme weather and exploding birth rates protectionism is our most important weapon!


We must close the boarders, The elites only care about money, not quality of life!

We now have 7500 detected cases of FGM female genital mutilation, those where medical attention was required.. not including those where it was not, it could be 10's of thousands.. We used to have "0"

We now have record numbers of terrorist arrests

We now have record high gun and knife crime

We have honor killings

We have forced arranged marriages

We have sharia courts

How much more of this shit can we take!



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