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  1. Past hour
  2. Bobthebuilder

    Death Of London

    My experience also, bit different after 10am mind, off peak price and all that.
  3. One percent

    Death Of London

    It was on the line i took in.
  4. honkydonkey

    Death Of London

    It wasn't 99% white when I did it over 10 years ago.
  5. Today
  6. Assume this year’s EBITDA at c. $475m (1,139,930,000 market cap) We’re trading 2.399x EV / EBITDA I wanted out of Euroclear/UK securities register given the current goings on. These are all held in the AIX CSD out of sight out of mind.
  7. This: ANY ITEMS I HAVE RECEIVED OTHER THAN THE SINGLE COIN I INITIALLY ORDERED I AM REGARDING AS UNSOLICITED GIFTS UNDER THE TERMS OF THE CONSUMER PROTECTION FROM UNFAIR TRADING REGULATIONS 2008 AND I NOTE THAT CONTINUING TO REQUEST PAYMENT FOR UNSOLICITED ITEMS IS POTENTIALLY A CRIMINAL OFFENCE. I refused to speak to them on the phone as I told them I wanted a written audit trail of all interactions with them. I did offer to return the unsolicited coins, but only if they paid for postage in advance. Seemed to do the trick.
  8. It failed within months ,it was all about scaring the slaves into not leaving the plantation ,which is the USD system ,it was designed to fail Why are no one talking about the USA passing legislation regrading the FED not being able to create a CBDC the same as a few Nordic countries ,which is posturing towards the BRICS that are talking about using a CBDC as a "common" reserve currency for international payments
  9. Nope CIPS ,they have been connected for over a decade now
  10. more genereally,( and I make thsi point in a spearate post to highlight it),they have what msot Western nations dont have and thats real assets stored deeply,safely and securely underground. this isnt a risk free trade but Id rather thsi than UK gilts.
  11. it looks like the bulk of the trade for their russian assets was dropping their debt for equity via a swap. wiath western rates going where they are then I think that was a shrwed move. this Solidcore/poly trade is my hail mary trade from that period and we're in at about 270 poly share price iirc so my fear was bankruptcy sanction style a la evraz.with where we were price wise with poly,I'm pleased that we havent taken mroe of a hit through whats been some hairy times. we have lsot 100% on smaller positions in evraz and petropavlosk since the Ukraine war started. hopefuly were through the riskiest section of this trade.that does seem likely looking at thsi. Ive jsut initaited an accoutn with wood & co and msut say depsite a hiccup last week due to the reorg,their customer service and the customer service of teh AIX registrar rinning Tbays has been supreb.compared to saxobnak theyve been very impressive. I'm genuineky thinking about funneliing some more funds from UK divis into Wood for investment in the region.lot of uranium there. SHame the UK spooned it with Poly,I hope they take a secondary lsiting somewhere less trigger happy than the UK when they do.
  12. Interesting looking global CBDC tracker monitor. However unsure how accurate it is - because it says Nairobi's CBDC has launched - but I thought the pilot project failed in 2023 and it's CBDC had been withdrawn? https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/cbdctracker/
  13. sarahbell

    Individual house thread

    Probably not enough forage for any honey bees.
  14. Surely this signals that we're close to a tipping point like in 2007 when we had these junk mortgages. The company i work for has had to put alot of customers on credit hold within the last 3 months and alot of those customers have been offering 0% credit on their products since the start of the year.
  15. One percent

    Death Of London

    Try morning rush hour, it’s 99 percent white or was fairly recently
  16. Bobthebuilder

    Death Of London

    Samuel Pepys used to visit a pub in the countryside to eat strawberries and cherries, That was in Mare Street Hackney in the 17th century. Mermaid Inn, Hackney (closedpubs.co.uk)
  17. Rare Bear

    Death Of London

    John Hunter, the famous surgeon, kept his collection of animals in toe country outside London at Earls Court.
  18. If Labour go for a wealth tax on housing in a big way - transaction / land value added tax, inheritance it will like completely stuff some of the market segments. The resulting effect on indices will puncture the controlled environment of carefully massaged messaging on house value trends in the indices. As most of the public only follow those then the gig will be up and any last desperation to get on the ladder will be flushed from the market and down we go.
  19. Yes, I lived in a small studio flat in central London for about five years. Initially it was great that I could walk to work and back from the pub, but on wet winter weekends it was depressing to be never more than a few yards from my bed. I don't want to live anywhere that small again but if I had to then I would want a separate bedroom, however small.
  20. It’s the luxury of space. You don’t want to live in a pokey flat even if it’s just you living there. I’m renting an 80 sq metre one bed (with a tiny bedroom) and all the living space elevates it.
  21. Animal Spirits

    UK Govt Coronavirus Response: Sceptics Thread

    Looking back at some of the videos from 2020 the thumbnails/video titles suggested some alarm but there were unknowns given the lack of information available at the time. In any case, we have another channel questioning the official narrative which is not always easy to do on Youtube without the risk of the video or channel being taken down.
  22. Contrast this interview with the vacuous crap that's on TV today.
  23. I don't know but I'm surprised the average stamp duty is only £1300. Why do people get so upset about it? On a £2m house it'll be £150k, that's scandalous.
  24. Within half my lifetime i have seen the media go from in depth interviews on very deep economic and political subjects to only being interested in woke shite.Very few people now have any understanding of economics.Welfare has also destroyed the point of saving for well over half the population outside of a house.I can remember the end of Thatchers time,and the country seemed on the edge of a fantastic future.Tory wets then destroyed that,they have done the same again,but this time they will be removed and wont be coming back.
  25. Yesterday
  26. hope you didnt eat them all at once save some for christmas
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