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  1. Past hour
  2. I listened to a PM dealer saying (on Palisades Radio?) how they were divesting client holdings from Singapore given what happened (over Covid?). I have no idea what his concern was as there was no follow up question.
  3. Pareto: 80% of lurking here is not suckling on the mainstream (e.g. those 60:40s, bond losses, etc). Then the last 20% for what you otherwise do (what and who you listen to here). Our objectives restricted how hard we played the 2020 upside but we definitely avoided those losses - that's numero uno for us atm. But we don't sit equally between Mr 60:40 and Mr DB, we are heavily (but not completely) skewed towards Mr DB. Just where we want to be!
  4. Agreed. That and John Williams running the current numbers with more historically consistent calculations to give what I have always maintained....... TLDL: Inflation seriously understated with knock on effects on GDP, etc. US employment data not fit for purpose. Etc. Similar here? When I first started, they told us only the French cooked the numbers!
  5. PMs go nuts on a Friday and the Israelis kick off over the weekend. Interesting....
  6. Today
  7. Labour will be a disaster as we know.Listen to Putin answering those questions then look at the Labour front bench.They are my childrens enemy,not Putin.Just imagine that.
  8. feels like shes rolling on a cactus all the time..... JC interesting interview.Pt took AZ vaxx and had immediate adverse severe reaction thats still ongoing 'tens of thousands are feeling like me..' Patient states her adverse reaction wasn't included in the end of trial data because she didnt take second shot she was classed as a 'drop out',hence the end of trial report is missing a decent amount of the adverse reactions Even worse,the company running thr tiral rang the patient to tell her not to take the second shot........ She talks about the 'Prep Act' which basically prevents vaxx injured from suing.She found a law firm that has found a way of suing AZ at 29 minutes ,not through vaxx injury law but through contract law as AZ promised to help her financially if things went wrong..
  9. My whole point is that hasn't anything ever in his life, and nor will heever stick to anything ever. Further, I would point to the near total LACK of backlash he got as the real "dog that didn't bark" here. 9 times out of 10 the backlash is stage managed rather than organic IMO.
  10. If the crash as you describe happens travel won't be allowed. They won't let people leave.
  11. I have memorised my seed words. I can travel the world with 10+ years of living expenses in my brain. I have no worry's about getting gold bars confiscated at the airport. Everyone should have little bit.
  12. Has he though? Really? He burbles on - like he does about everything - but will he stick to it after some backlash? Doubt it?
  13. Agreed, and to be grudgingly fair to them, that's kind of the point of politicians: to reflect the will of the people. Let's ignore for a moment how that will is manufactured...
  14. Its a wild prediction I will grant you; but when you look how rapidly a complete stuffed shirt like Kier Starmer swung behind "adult human female" as a definition of woman, literally swinging from the hard woke to what would have been considered an extreme right wing position not long before, it becomes clear that they don't beleive ANYTHING or feel ANY obligation to be consistent. Politicians will spout any set of talking points that keeps people divided and distracted while keeping the plates spinning. That is why politics always moves right in tough economic times and left in good ones, it is just which set of talking points are most useful.
  15. This part of this particular post feels like a penny-drop moment for me.
  16. Not a chance in hell. The SW1 bubble dwellers would eat their right testicle before they said anything like that.
  17. I didn't know that. UK registered company etc may be a consideration with regard to the end of the decade crisis though, I could see a future govt announcing UK vaulting companies have to bring UK clients' gold on shore, perhaps to allegedly protect them. From there it would be a short hop to insisting they deposit it with the BoE, and from there to forcibly converting peoples' holdings to Gilts. I notice their counterparties are LBMA etc participants, although I am not knowledgable enough to asses that as a risk factor: The LME cancelling settled trades on Nickel back in 2022 makes me wary of holdings being redefined as subject to cash settlement rather than physical etc if a real squeeze takes hold and/or a large variance between futures and spot/physical. I don't really know though. Every jurisdiction obviously has risk tbf.
  18. I have huge respect for David Hunter and think he is a superb macro strategist,but im not sold on his everything goes down 80% apart from treasuries.I find myself leaning more with Lynn's thoughts that we see sector by sector,area by area pullbacks.My mentor told me how to value stocks a long time ago,nothings changed or will change.The fact is companies stop growing at some point then maybe capture 1/2 to all inflation only.At that point fair value is PE of 10,divi of 6.5% to 7% ,3% for de-leverage,share buy backs,or small bolt on aquisitions.ALL companies get to that point OR they dissapear,bought out or bust.So those buying the bubble stocks now,say Nvidia are saying they think their profits till reach $230 billion. Now almost everyone on Twitter etc knows everyone is trying to come off the dollar.HOWEVER,thats not true.They are trying to come of holding their dollars in treasuries.For now they will all still use dollars BUT they are buying things they can EXCHANGE for dollars later that CANNOT by monetised away by the Fed and US treasury.So the nuance is they are buying things priced in dollars instead of dollars themselves.WHY?/,well because they can be swapped for dollars when needed,WITHOUT loss of value,OR swapped for other things IF the dollar system collapses.That is why the PMs are going up,but also so will other areas,for instance assets in markets with positive food and commod production. In other areas,like here in the UK,if you are going to hold some home bases assets,and you should,even in a falling living standards country it MUST be companies that can inflation increase prices,but with STABLE or falling CAPEX and depreciation.Thats why we made so much last week on BT,the shorts losts so much.Those huge institutions dont get the above point.What will people give up with 5% pa price increases and what will they try to keep. I treaded water for 18 months after an explosive two years,but the last few months has seen very big gains across most areas,and decent gains in other.Almost everything i own has started to turn.There is a huge amount of cross market work to do for the rest of this cycle,and its not going to be easy,BUT i think the thread is very well positioned.Even if the likes of Nvidia do one day reach $300 billion free cash flow,that would mean they would end up level where they are today,so still a terrible investment. So i think the cycle plays out,sharing off assets,pooling of assets,falling demand big ticket (with a lag boomers and retired public sector buying like drunks) dollars being exchanged for real assets NOT to come off the dollar,but to sell for dollars that have not been monetised later,OR something else if needed.Big EMs will continue to sell dollars to buy commods,but also producing mines,farms etc etc What should be pretty obvious is yes you can have a reserve currency,but PMs are still the real deal.
  19. If Labour want to actually make a difference in their first 100 days then they only need to do two things to make people think change is actually coming. 1. Pass laws to make lasting repairs to fix all the pot holes within 3 months. Every single one. 2. Pass laws to clear up all the rubbish. All of it. I'd have clauses in the legislation about council Chief Execs getting sacked without compensation or pensions if targets not met.
  20. Bullionvault also have a depository in Singapore,is there any advantage of using Bullionstar over Bullionvault in Singapore?
  21. This for me is the only reason for holding some crypto. Maybe you can't spend it during the crash but remembering 12 words (or whatever it is) feels a lot more like you own the wealth than electronic numbers, etc., and can use it on your own terms. My assumption is that all private wealth will be appropriated/confiscated eventually to prevent collapse, but collapse will still happen. And to those who think it's "only" an economic crash coming which won't affect society too much, what do you think the economy actually is? I think posters talking about the 1970s have it about right.
  22. If we are being generous maybe the BBC might consider £600 to be 'about' a third of £2,000. Less deductions that must be in line with Band 5-6. Especially if you are not prepared to move hospital career progression could be slow for these people. TBH though, if she is on her own, where is the rest of the £1,400 going? I can't see how things would be tight. I doubt she should be able to rent a 2-bed for less than £598 even there.
  23. On the Eastern exposure in an inflating GBP subject, this one looks interesting:
  24. Surprised it made it too 100000 miles or rather @markyh is. Bahahahha.
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