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  1. Past hour
  2. Its the norm, in my office there are loads of hire vehicles because ours keep breaking down. The smaller vans have fewer miles on them but any vehicle thats a Sprinter or 7.5 tonne have an amazing amount of miles on them.
  3. Today
  4. Re how people see collapse take the rail industry as a starter. Track network renationalised when Railtrack/Network Rail failed - all the private rail contracts failed 4 years ago steadily being taken back into state control no new trains bought in five years, half of HS2 scrapped more to come no doubt. Progressive failure of private sector utilities taken back into state control is my guess while more and more spending goes on consumption (old people, fat people etc) and defence spending. Progressive restrictions on travel and personal freedoms while everyone drones on about the football.
  5. well, DOSBODS including me has called 5 of the last 0 collapses, so I'm not sure our insights are that reliable...
  6. Yesterday
  7. Is it an outlier or are they extending the general fleet age to 10 years? It doesn't seem like long ago 3 - 4 years was the max you'd see for any sort of fleet vehicle for big firms
  8. Seven hundred thousand miles?! What age is it? That's the sort of mileage the Yanks are pleased to achieve with their continent of a country
  9. The roads are fucked and the water was undrinkable in Devon, it does feel a bit third worldy at the moment in the UK. At work I'm driving a van thats falling apart with over 700,000 miles on the clock. The UK is deteriorating rapidly.
  10. How do people genuinely see a Dave Hunter style bust playing out over here, forget the money for a bit I'm talking societal, real life day-to-day stuff. I know there's a few light-hearted common themes we mention but the recent action has conversely brought the possible bust into focus for me
  11. Wight Flight

    How does Buy to Let END!

    Be careful what you wish for.
  12. Interesting [short] video on crash/pull-back probabilities:
  13. You can temporarily deceive all people, you can even deceive some people forever, but you cannot deceive all people forever
  14. Not really. You’d be down 15-20%, at the same time he did say buy Bitcoin as a hedge via the Grayscale trust when it was trading at around 50% NAV.
  15. I think you're right, he's not well.
  16. Yes, shame to see Hugh Hendry acting like teenager. I will always remember watching him on Newsnight in 2010, with the “noble prize” economist Joseph Stieglitz saying there was no need to worry about Greece. Hugh replied with “ Hello, … can I tell you about the real world “. Amazing. However, his other predictions were rather hit and miss. Eg recently he was very big on TLT, which then exploded.
  17. I saw one of his earlier where he was insisting how incredibly happy he is, which seems a massive red flag for depression etc. QE/ZIRP was a psychological war on people just as badly as COVID was, one left people masking and the other left Hugh and Raoul Pal permanent mental cripples:
  18. What has happened to Hugh Hendry? He seems to be living his life arse about tit, he dresses like a fourteen year old seems to talk non stop about acid as if its something new. It's a shame because I used think he was quite an interesting character, I rarely watch him now as he's pretty tedious and tragic. I watched a video a few days ago and he was on about getting his ear pierced and a tattoo. Who waits until there in their 50's to do all that shit.
  19. Well worth the time and the posters comments are spot on IMO
  20. Ta. I do know that year on year from 2008 it was two percent at best. Wages just stood still.
  21. They're on a standard pay scale across all institutions that's indexed each year. The pay's gone up, but the indexing hasn't matched inflation. The spinal points on the scale are all the same, but each institution mapped their roles differently when they adopted the system, so there are differences between institutions. Using Cardiff as an example, their standard Lecturer position currently tops out at £44,263 and the Senior Lecturer at £54,395. Way back in 2008 when the current system came in those salaries were £33,780 and £41,545 respectively. Had they kept pace with CPI from there, they'd currently be £54,465 and £66,932. So in real terms a Senior Lecturer is now paid what a Lecturer used to get. This effect will be the same for all institutions. Although the figures will differ a little for those that mapped the top of their grades to a different spinal point, the relative increase to CPI will be the same.
  22. One percent

    How does Buy to Let END!

    Just turn off the free money tap, they will all soon bugger off.
  23. Doesn't solve the people who are already here So we still need to build millions of homes (France with the same population has 8 million more homes than the UK) and alongside that we need to stop importing millions of people. either that or we need to build millions of homes and then another few million for the people we continue to import.
  24. And also that wages in universities were practically frozen from 2008. Dunno where they are now though.
  25. Looks to me like PMs get a run up thru the middle of the month then get hit around the 20th, flatline for a couple of weeks then start on their way up again. No lines drawn tho I'm just staring at a chart till I lose focus then recklessly gambling with my children's futures.
  26. Menace on the Menu: The Financialisation of Farmland and the War on Food and Farming - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
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