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    Individual house thread

    I can’t work out whether I like this or not https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/146630009#/?channel=RES_BUY
  3. I said a similar thing to the local Labour councilor when he knocked on my door, being a typical politician he agreed with me.
  4. Even after that diatribe, I bet they still gave you a pamphlet.
  5. Kids are great. My son is hands down the most interesting person ever. Almost a testicular divided.
  6. Today
  7. It's where the Romney Marsh starts so drainage ditches/dykes/sewers etc.
  8. Another reason I'm happy to not have kids.
  9. sancho panza

    Greedy Kite-Flying Probates thread

    whats with all the tratight waterways round there.flood risk? cant believe how samll people were back in 16th centruy
  10. The hunger games with the producing districts and the Capitol.
  11. Don't want a high paid job more tax and more productivity demands.
  12. Just had the Labour lot at mine,i was re-seeding my lawn.I told them i would never vote for them or the Tories as they had both destroyed my homeland by letting in a load of 3rd world vermin,but i would gladly put them all on a rope and drop the trap door when the civil war arrives.The whole lot of them are the enemy of ordinary private sector workers.
  13. spunko

    Individual house thread

    Put that photo in grayscale and it'd look like something out of Nazi Germany. Those extensions sans windows are grim.
  14. spunko

    Individual house thread

    No mention of how they managed to afford that house, I had assumed the family was wealthy already hence being able to court/buy media attention simply for the old man waddling round the garden. But it turns out he was working class. Rich husband? I notice hes rarely mentioned.
  15. i think $NEM is in SPY as well isnt it? cant be arsed to check, so surely money funds will also drive it or at least keep inflows going.
  16. I`m not to sure about that ,a bit to much of the transitory type made it to her lips
  17. Not seeing any problem with "inflation" there
  18. Honestly it's faintly depressing that someone even had the idea, drew it in that shitty clownworld vector art style, finished it, sat back and said "Perfect"
  19. Also its missing the alkies, the drug addicts, the homeless, the stabbers, all part and parcel of living in a shithole. pure fantasy.
  20. They're so thick they don't even know what they don't know
  21. Interesting thing is that if you look through that infamously woke poster there is no manufacturing, their whole economy is supported by nothing. No Primary Industry, no Secondary Industry, it is all done by out-of-sight, out-of-mind poor people elsewhere in Woketopia. It is Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B A place of the expendable, perhaps their idols in the WEF have a 15-minute Plan after all for the 'useful idiots'.
  22. WSS seems to have a fetish on X for such videos. Think they'll pop themselves with this one...... .....buttons, I'm talking about buttons ya dirty minded macro strategists!
  23. The Sage of Maidenhead is proffering some advice. I didn't expect to see him again. Certainly went a bit off piste towards the end, his Patient Capital launched about ten years ago ( and now run by Schroders) is showing just 12p left in the pound. https://www.woodfordviews.com/introducing-woodford-views?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BDn5c1VSBpwZBAX2JOYTYizOtg50z0ZJgalyWUSbyvHkpbRjZSyVfRoCzCsQAvD_BwE
  24. Spying on the people taking advantage of the circumstance provided by the people doing the spying. Right.
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