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  2. What do you think retired people should do with their shares? Sell them all and buy bonds? Convert it all into cash? Buy an annuity? I don't intend on doing any of those. I'll leave it fully invested and sell tranches when I want the money. (I.e. Create my own dividends..... *lights blue touch paper and runs* )
  3. I think its human nature you work at building something up and then think but I could build it even bigger. I started off I'll do the basement ISA to pay the mortgage off now I'm like how can I pay it off while keeping most of the ISA.
  4. Unfortunately, the "best bit" is actually a fiction. Usually peddled by American conspiracy theorists who think the "corporation" of London is a private company rather than a boring local council. The city of London is part of the UK, and subject to UK law. It is just enforced by the city of London police alongside the met.
  5. It is a good question. In my area the District council elections are being counted today but apparently the PCC votes are not being counted until Sunday which presumably means overtime rates for staff. I can remember when all the local election results were counted and declared at least 4-5 hours after the polls closed. If one wants an example of declining public sector productivity look no further than the time taken to process election ballots.
  6. It's not real is it? I presumed it was a spoof. They ought to have worked out how to answer that question if it is real.
  7. There are about 6 million direct public sector employees full time equivalent. With that productivity decline we would need to employ about 140,000 more people this year just to get the same amount of work done. If they were all minimum wage, assuming about 28k cost then that's about £4 billion. They won't all be on minimum so call it £6 billion. With improving technology that helps productivity this must make the real decline due to employee competence worse. The quality of the new workers is likely declining,so you probably need 200,000 to keep up output, especially when you take into account the 50 year old NHS workers that are retiring with a lifetime of skill + experience
  8. Today
  9. obfuscate, obfuscate, must not mention the fed
  10. I am going to show my grandkids this fella trying to answer a question….its a great advert in why you shouldn’t do drugs. Fuck me….Ozzy Osbourne is more coherent 🤢😂
  11. Why aren't they counting until Saturday? Is it so they can pay overtime rates? Should have sent them up to Sunderland and they would have had them counted by 3am.
  12. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-public-sector-productivity-goes-bad-worse-ons-data-shows-2024-05-03/ “May 3 (Reuters) - Public sector productivity, a major shortcoming in Britain's economy, worsened in late 2023 and remained a long way off its pre-pandemic levels, the Office for National Statistics said on Friday. Productivity in the public sector, dominated by education and healthcare, fell 1.0% between the third and fourth quarters of 2023 and was 2.3% lower than a year ago. Public sector productivity measures the volume of services delivered against the volume of inputs - like salaries and government funding - that are needed to maintain those services.” The article seems to suggest the poor productivity is dragging out into other sectors I guess focus being on the NHS. I don’t know how fair the criticisms are as public services are probably being overwhelmed in part due to high immigration. Anyway they need / decided to keep the plates spinning with immigration fuelled GDP else debt becomes unmanageable. Unsure how Labour will look to fix this all? What a mess!
  13. Similar with me. I just want to Get Rich Pronto and running out of road. Stupid as I already have more than enough money. I tell myself I need it to leave to the kids but truth is I'm just tight and have an ingrained fear of spending. That's what poverty childhood does to you.
  14. I was just about to post the same thing, I am bloody retiring this year, all our investment goal and stages are very different.
  15. https://www.redbubble.com/shop/watch+and+learn+t-shirts
  16. This popped up on my YT feed. It was an eye opener for me at least.
  17. Good to see that the people in charge know what they are doing ....
  18. Over what time period? Less than 5 years and I'm not interested.
  19. I think the devil is in the detail. They go on and on about airbnb but there are loads advertised through alternative sites. Do those count? What about those who are already let out? Is it only new to the market properties?
  20. A clever ruse to force house prices up. ”wishing to rent out a short-term holiday home for more than 90 days a year must apply for planning permission.” Restricting the number of days means that instead of buying one home to use for holiday lets for 180 days you will have to buy two for ninety days each. Forcing one extra family into renting or homelessness. The double council tax will also keep those dirty northerners in their place. No more temporary jobs down South - that double council tax will make it unviable. Pretty sound Tory policies really.
  21. Ziehan is laughable the shit he comes out with bares no logic whatsoever other than his demographics work which is right to a point ,the effects he claims is another thing ,but the problem is real for sure it`s why countries right across the west are importing new slaves on a huge scale He is a paid shill he`s a paid China expert economic adviser to the US government ,i think it goes a long way to explaining how badly the US`s actions on China have backfired on them
  22. It`s this that has lead to the USA`s decline same for most of the west compared to China as Chinas debt has generally funded infrastructure and Industry Chinas housing bubble /problem was resolved by letting the speculators take a hair cut ,is it a coincidence that their new drive is to massively increase social housing, which is the foundation of keeping wage growth low and the economy productive and profitable whilst simultaneously raising living standards The west have spent the last 15 years trying to keep the speculators whole at the expense of everything and everyone else
  23. Ziehan is either a paid shill for the US int services/or maybe techs or just simps for them. i stop listening to him when he said he was leaving twitter because musk was an SA apartheid era white supremist.
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