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  1. Past hour
  2. I've posted before about EL8 and trading in and out. Grown it a fair bit in terms of number of shares. But the uranium miners seem very volatile; you have to understand the flows of the stock or you'll get your face ripped off, is my view. EL8 is above 50 now; I won't buy more unless it goes below 50, and won't sell unless it goes over 58.
  3. I fell out with a mates wife about ten years ago when she was wittering about her kids going to Uni and doing some shit social science degree, and we got onto the hundreds of thousands of engineers being pumped out in Asia. She got very angry when I said the next generation of western kids would be poorer than their parents, and the grandkids poorer still, and the world did not owe westerners a living. Seriously angry she was. As you say, she could not accept that her wealth and life was not due to an innate ability of her but the deeds of past british generations, and that her offspring would be poorer as they weren't creating value in doing some shit degree. She was, I think, very racist but of course virtue signalling anti-racist.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Its fucking amazing isnt it? SEDY has taken off too.
  6. Popular old TV shows can earn massive terrestrial syndication/online streaming/merchandising revenues. There must be many thousands of them. An extremely example perhaps - but apparently Jerry Seinfeld's cut of his 90s comedy show is 15% and this has earned him over $1Bn since the series ended in 1998. His original salary for making the show was $60M for the entire 8 season run, but incredibly he is now receiving nearly $60M a year for his cut of total revenue from the reruns... That's some pension for 8 years work!! https://www.bosshunting.com.au/hustle/jerry-seinfeld-net-worth/
  7. Not encountered this yet. I would just buy multiple copies, if required.
  8. Until they suddenly stop working due to disc rot. If you're planning on keeping them long-term you'll want to rip and store it digitally. I've seen quite a few reports of early-mid 2000's Warner Brothers being unreadable now.
  9. GTM

    Individual house thread

    I'm intrigued to see how much this will go for. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/133117943#/?channel=RES_BUY How much cash do buyers really have, especially when they are going to be forking out a pretty penny to keep the place standing? The "diversity" in Southampton gets more in your face with every visit, though the area that house is in probably hasn't gone completely. I reckon getting half the current asking would be doing well, but I could be very wrong.
  10. I have seen this from the finance companies viewpoint and tbf in my experience borrowers are fine but once you cross the lineā€¦.well you have crossed the line. At that point everyone is going to make a killing from the transaction, well except the guy in default. Thatā€™s why they feel victimised but the reality is there will have been lots of chances before that to sell, consolidate and scale back. The denial kicks in because itā€™s like winning the lottery and then deciding to go double or quits on a coin tossā€¦..and losing everything Very rare to find someone who has been repossessed who has just says ā€œyep, my faultā€ā€¦.so these stories are very one sided. I have also seen these from the buying sideā€¦..some terrific bargains if you act fast and make decisions quickly. I bought a repo where I had previously tried to buy the flat. It was Ā£220k, then Ā£170k and I offered Ā£150k but was refused because it hadnā€™t been through ā€˜the rigorous process to achieve best priceā€™. Best way to demonstrate an attempt to get best price was an auctionā€¦.so I paid Ā£122k at auction. I ace used debt for tax advantages and some leverageā€¦..but always had enough in the bank to clear if need be. Zero interest rates made a lot of people feel invincible and lose respect for what debt can do. That lives in now. Great read thoughā€¦thanks for posting. Clearly the victims are telling us everything but as I say they never do. They probably have even forgotten what they ā€˜mayā€™ have done wrongā€¦.and put it all down to bad luck and being victimised. No one else borrows money to buy a pensionā€¦.but they kid themselves that itā€™s their money being invested and it just never was.šŸ˜‰
  11. I have not got a clue if this is correct ,it will almost certainly be wrong on they will no longer except $ but no longer selling exclusively for dollars i could believe I would normally have filed this under most likely to be total bollocks if it was not for the fact most of the middle east leaders were in China this week which might or might not be coincidence This is part or what was discussed in China it makes you wonder
  12. I think @spunkois getting ready for our new Pride Minister on July 4th.
  13. Where's the Union Jack, what's this I see on the Dosbods page header?
  14. If the wrong stunt goes badly enough perhaps...
  15. And the cost of producing the show depreciated to zero a long time ago so they can charge very low amounts for the advertising slots as its pretty much all free cash.If they are not bought out ITV might be able to do buybacks of 5% a year,grow EPS by 10% a year and compound from here already up 40% at 16% a year.Its incredible how undervalued lost of UK stocks were and still are.ITV was a joke price,but i would count Wetherspoons at Ā£4.80 and HL at Ā£7 in that bracket.Pension schemes all in on gilts instead.
  16. Ah they finally published my letter!
  17. Telegraph with some down to earth everyday financial advice for the ordinary man: ā€˜Iā€™m a stuntman with no pension ā€“ should I sell four of my Lamborghinis and buy gold?ā€™ https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/m-stuntman-no-pension-sell-142000140.html Predictably the advice given is not aligned with the thread consensus (<5% in gold, Amazon, LVMH etc) although EM exposure gets a mention.
  18. Only watch DVDs. Once you have the series on DVD/blu ray you watch over and over for decades with no adverts at all.
  19. No doubt about that. I've been watching the old Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes. 1hr 35 min show. 2hr 10 total run time. 25% adverts..
  20. They have licensed for commercial use, what was a full scale test bed small module reactor (it`s now apparently online) ,it`s been claimed in the Chinses press it was a molten salt thorium reactor If this is true the need for large heavy water reactors will diminish rapidly ,thorium is cheap and everywhere,the prosses is also extremely safe in comparison with almost zero chances of any sort of meltdown that's associated with heavy water reactors
  21. If what china has claimed is correct Uranium is not the future ,well at least not in China
  22. My uranium position is pretty much a mix of YCA and January 2026 at-the-money URNM options. None of the uranium stocks seem to come without big possible downsides (geopolitical risk/having contracted far too many lbs of uranium at prices far below where they are now etc), so I just went for a basket. I figure if uranium does moon, the etfs will get major flows
  23. Yup-there is a danger of being ā€œtoo cuteā€ with trading in and out of a position too much, and missing the big move. I wouldnā€™t go all-in here/use leverage, but after that last nearly 4 years-whatā€™s another 2-3 month consolidation?
  24. Whats are peoples thoughts on nuclear power stocks, I have some Yellowcake allocation but looking for some others - seems like the US is preparing to go balls deep into nuclear over the coming decades .. https://x.com/i/trending/1796619801638637894
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