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how to ruin a house


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Lovely house. can't fault it. A little bit of land with it. Lovely. 

Then google maps kills it.

Cos you can see how close it is to the motorway. And whilst that's not in itself a complete killer, the fact they have built half a dozen "luxury" houses in the back garden kind of ruins it.


if you're spending that sort of money then I don't want any neighbours.

(and again too much pale flooring, but after a lottery win I might have a cleaner)

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36 minutes ago, One percent said:

Hells bells, you only get half the house for that money?  o.O

Don't get it, from the floorplan it looks like the entire house. Where's the semi bit?

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One percent
5 minutes ago, sleepwello'nights said:

Don't get it, from the floorplan it looks like the entire house. Where's the semi bit?

In the sold info Sarah posted below the op. 

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