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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 3)


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Joncrete Cungle
2 minutes ago, King Penda said:

This is the correct way to look at it ,I can earn 4 quid an hour less than other people and still be far better off no debt at all.I could even afoard another morgage on benifits (obviously they won’t let me do that ) because my life style has no debt and fewer out goings

Similar here, 'cheap' home in the North West, cars bought & paid for with cash, low road tax, insurance and fuel bills. No desire to keep up with the Jones’s etc, just keep Chipping away at the mortgage and saving. No big loans, credit card balances etc

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King Penda
6 minutes ago, Joncrete Cungle said:

Printy printy bennies up, pensions up, government spending up etc. There is an election due in 2 years in the UK and USA. I can't not imagine the printers getting put back on warp speed 10 in the run up. Classic polo can kicking and trying to buy votes in the face of the inflation caused by Putin 9_9

And covid and brexit

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Bus Stop Boxer

There was a fella on Liam Halligans show on GB News the other day from the motor retailers association. He said 1st quarter was okish but that from April onwards new enquiries had fallen off a cliff and he was quite fearful for the industry.

I think the tide has now started lapping at UK housing and Boris' early warning system has been activated.

Hence the shite about BTL tax breaks. Like clockwork these guys.

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7 hours ago, Hardhat said:

Meanwhile, nice fat ABRDN divi landed today.

Hopefully the sector stays down for a while and more ladders can be bought... 

Very nice divi from them today, it was my first divi since buying. Did not think it would be such a large amount on my holding, every 6 months I presume.

Ps. Yes my research is a bit shit.

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3 hours ago, Yadda yadda yadda said:

Here is the £15+ per hour bar job. Obviously a bit of skill required to mix cocktails and late nights Friday and Saturday. You get a cab home and keep the tips. Nowhere near central London. I wonder what they're earning there? Costa coffee was offering over £10 per hour before Christmas so it is a fair argument that this is the correct value for the role.


The Greyhound used to be a rather down at heel pub.

£5 per pint - doesn’t seem too bad for London


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Chewing Grass
4 minutes ago, Bus Stop Boxer said:

There was a fella on Liam Halligans show on GB News the other day from the motor retailers association. He said 1st quarter was okish but that from April onwards new enquiries had fallen off a cliff and he was quite fearful for the industry.

I think the tide has now started lapping at UK housing and Boris' early warning system has been activated.

Hence the shite about BTL tax breaks. Like clockwork these guys.

July is the next 5 week month for the Monthly Paid.

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41 minutes ago, Plan-b said:

"the Prime Minister is keen to do something radical on housing before the next election"

Hopefully he'll accidentally crash the market!

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Chewing Grass

Just done my occasional first 3 digit postcode search on rightmove, usually 125-130 properties, used to be 200 10 years, ago now 159. The new listings are mostly mega expensive posh houses on the edge of town, a whole first page of them with nothing under £1M.

Here are the first seven, the last one (the big shed) has been up for sale for years.

Other than the first one, they stink of property developers trying to get out.




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6 minutes ago, Joncrete Cungle said:

Printy printy bennies up, pensions up, government spending up etc. There is an election due in 2 years in the UK and USA. I can't not imagine the printers getting put back on warp speed 10 in the run up. Classic polo can kicking and trying to buy votes in the face of the inflation caused by Putin 9_9

If they don't get a grip soon and start behaving like were in a reflation cycle (which we are) Inflation will get out of control and their problems will be far worse than trying appease BTL'rs and Bennie recipients

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Weathy calling for a wealth tax. The governbankment will tax those at the Durham instead of the Davos Summit. The very wealthy will escape it.




A handful of wealthy attendees gathered in Davos are calling on world leaders to tackle the cost of living crisis by pushing up taxes for people like them.

They took to the streets on Sunday alongside left-wing activists to call for fairer tax systems worldwide.

Political and business leaders are at the first in-person World Economic Forum (WEF) since the pandemic began.

But criticisms are mounting over the way the wealthy have profited in the last two years.

UK millionaire Phil White said: "While the rest of the world is collapsing under the weight of an economic crisis, billionaires and world leaders meet in this private compound to discuss turning points in history.

"It's outrageous that our political leaders listen to those who have the most, know the least about the economic impact of this crisis, and many of whom pay infamously little in taxes. The only credible outcome from this conference is to tax the richest and tax us now."




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23 minutes ago, Bus Stop Boxer said:

...I think the tide has now started lapping at UK housing and Boris' early warning system has been activated.

Hence the shite about BTL tax breaks. Like clockwork these guys.

The thing is, a possible future cut to CGT for BTLers thinking of selling up incentivises them to wait for it. Actually giving them the cut then encourages them to follow through and sell. Logically, BJ is trying to stall BTL exiting with waffle that he would never actually have an incentive to deliver on.

If this is his best shot, I think we could be on for reductions here.

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7 minutes ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

Burry has no doubt where we're heading.


I've sold out 50% of my holdings now.

I have oil/miners and shorts left.  

I will keep going over the next week or so.

Sell in May and watch the crash

Definitely buy back by the end of the year.


15 minutes ago, Democorruptcy said:

Weathy calling for a wealth tax. The governbankment will tax those at the Durham instead of the Davos Summit. The very wealthy will escape it.



The great unwashed are thick


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Transistor Man
2 minutes ago, HousePriceMania said:

Anyone know what's happening here....


Biggest holdings include Tesla, nvidia 

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1 hour ago, Chewing Grass said:

Right to buy off Private Landlords would do the trick.


I love that, what an awesome idea.

Please somebody suggest it to Boris and Rishi.

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1 minute ago, HousePriceMania said:

Anyone know what's happening here....


I've been telling my mate to consider selling that junk for ages. He's rode it up though and he's going to ride it back down. It is absolutely loaded to the gunwales with US Tech. Big position in Tesla as well. Its going to be utterly crushed in the months ahead. 

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Nice timing by the BoE after the HSBC exec questioned so much focus on climate change financing.



UK banks and insurers that fail to manage the risks associated with climate change could suffer a 10-15 per cent hit to their annual profits, the Bank of England warned on Tuesday.

The results of the regulator’s inaugural “climate stress test” indicated that banks could incur up to £225bn in credit losses by 2050, while insurers’ asset values could fall 15 per cent under a worst-case scenario.

But the analysis suggested that the losses would be “absorbable for banks and insurers, without a worrying direct impact on their solvency”, said Sam Woods, head of the BoE’s Prudential Regulation Authority. The exercise will not be used to set higher capital requirements, he said.

The stress test looked at the exposure of the largest 19 UK banks and insurers to climate-related risks — both physical risks, such as flooding, and “transition” risks, such as potential regulatory or policy changes.

The analysis tested companies’ end-2020 balance sheets against three climate scenarios: an orderly transition, in which temperatures increase to 1.8C of warming by 2050, a disorderly transition where temperatures also increase to 1.8C of warming but action is delayed and more chaotic, and no additional action, where no further policies are introduced and global temperatures increase by 3.3C relative to pre-industrial levels.

The issue of banks’ responsibilities on climate was thrown into the spotlight last week, when a senior HSBC executive said central bankers were overstating the financial risks of warming in an attempt to “out-hyperbole the next guy”.

Stuart Kirk, global head of responsible investing at the bank’s asset management division, has since been suspended pending an internal investigation into his comments.




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12 minutes ago, Democorruptcy said:

Nice timing by the BoE after the HSBC exec questioned so much focus on climate change financing.


Collapse the world financial system


Blame it on the sky


Trough billions


Nice work if you can get it

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