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“Anybody from any walk of life, I believe, with the right training and right support, can become a successful property investor.”


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Like most things in life courses, training etc..

Martin and his wife Kirsty ran training sessions promising to teach would-be investors how to make a killing.


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“Anybody from any walk of life, I believe, with the right training and right support who can breathe and sign on a dotted line can become an unsuccessful debt junkie.”

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One percent
12 minutes ago, Noallegiance said:

“Anybody from any walk of life, I believe, with the right training and right support who can breathe and sign on a dotted line can become an unsuccessful debt junkie.”

“Anybody from any walk of life, I believe, with the right training and right support, can become a successful property investor in a rising market.  Just don’t try and catch a falling knife”

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hahah, 3 years and 3 comments and only 1.3K views, low interest, 2 comments last 3 days, hahaha:

pete a
pete a
15 hours ago
David Lewis
David Lewis
2 days ago
Yeah right , waste of time twats gone bust for 3million
Kat Mando
Kat Mando
3 years ago
Martin Roberts what a twat!
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