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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 2)


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2 hours ago, leonardratso said:

thats just insane, talk about turning the world on its head. Are you going back?

Iv said yes,but thinking about it and might change my mind.Im tempted though just to chuck 100% of the wages into potash and oil.Last time i trebled the salary in my SIPP by putting it all in PM miners and thats helped position now xD of course the risk is i catch the lurgy and die,but then if i did id be a member of the pension scheme and get £100k for the kids.Im a bit torn to be honest.

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16 minutes ago, DurhamBorn said:

Iv said yes,but thinking about it and might change my mind.Im tempted though just to chuck 100% of the wages into potash and oil.Last time i trebled the salary in my SIPP by putting it all in PM miners and thats helped position now xD of course the risk is i catch the lurgy and die,but then if i did id be a member of the pension scheme and get £100k for the kids.Im a bit torn to be honest.

Nice try but as much as like you I'm not paying you to sit at home!

3 hours ago, sancho panza said:

So we have an ICU capacity crisis rather than a pandemic.

Bang.  There it is.  The clearest and most insightful thing anyone anywhere has said so far!

3 hours ago, sancho panza said:

In terms of investment strategy,I think steering towrds the decomplex trades has to be the way to go,and by that I mean deeply decomplex

What does that look like?

PS: Chemicals have to wait, had to rebuild the engine of my smoking power barrow yesterday.  I hate it when you go to do one (usually simple) job and have to do several first before you can get started.

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What would you do to prepare if you were worried they closed the exchanges while you were mainly sitting in cash?  And were worried they'll either steal your cash (bank bail ins or forced purchase of govt bonds), you're investments would sink either further while the exchanges are in lock down, or your bonds would be revalued, etc?

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26 minutes ago, DurhamBorn said:

Iv said yes,but thinking about it and might change my mind.Im tempted though just to chuck 100% of the wages into potash and oil.Last time i trebled the salary in my SIPP by putting it all in PM miners and thats helped position now xD of course the risk is i catch the lurgy and die,but then if i did id be a member of the pension scheme and get £100k for the kids.Im a bit torn to be honest.

go for it, its the only reason i go into work, i pay for 10x death benefits in service every month, if i kick the bucket the young uns are gonna be quids in, luckily i also go in to steal stuff, so its a win win for me, even though i might actually die - still cant complain its been a good run. If i work from home ill be the size of a house in 3 months, cant be having that.

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7 minutes ago, PaulParanoia said:

Any ideas what caused the FTSE 100 to spike at midday?

we'll never know, looks like YRS did by gog after all, its tanked to -2.4%

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Down jones starting with an 18.

18,932.88 −241.10 (1.26%)


Hit 18523 before it rebounded.

Cynically it seems to be the bankers are more worried about the bankers than people dying.

How long till it starts with an 8 ?


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21 minutes ago, Castlevania said:

Fed announcing an infinite amount of QE

Doesnt that mean an infinite devaluing of the currency to 0?

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A new Gold ETC came up on my radar today.  Started in Feb.  Backed by the UK Royal Mint.  Run by Han.  At a premium over others, and the gold price.  Very volatile?  Anyone else aware of it?  Opinions?

PS: Ticker RMAP on LSE.

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3 hours ago, Yellow_Reduced_Sticker said:

Buses? The Go-Ahead Group ...Rocketing UP ...14% today to: £7.37 ...last week low of £3.90! :o

WISH i bought MORE at the LOW :Old:

Most of the Go Ahead revenue comes from their 2 London train companies, due to Govt announcement about funding them through this reduced (50% service) timetable their share price bounced nicely today, I got out at 724p as I expected a lock down is imminent and what little revenue they are earning at the moment in the SE will vanish. Seems the share price has given up it's gains for the day already.

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take it like a man. (someone manly like philip schofield or rock hudson or some such manly men).

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1 hour ago, TheCountOfNowhere said:

The Most people will be are revolting....(with some exceptions)





6 minutes ago, Ponty Mython said:


Takeover target do you think?

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In case you are unaware that corporate bonds are blowing up…
IG, HY, and leveraged loans’ ETFs just had their largest monthly outflow in the history of the data.
The passive bubble is now bursting.
ETF providers are on the hook: $BLK $STT $IVZ
This mess has just started.
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Don Coglione
17 minutes ago, sleepwello'nights said:


Takeover target do you think?

In normal times, I imagine someone would have made a move for CNA at these levels. But we are in far from normal times.

Let's hope we get more than the Sirius punters did...

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a lot of the passives are playing that old trick of not updating their prices for days on end.

My woodford fund hasnt moved from zero for months, but when i ring neil he just tells me its a technical glitch that they are working on, and to keep paying in.

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Unlimited FED money didn't help the stock markets but it helped pushing up the price of gold and silver.

Dave Hunter is calling another bottom :) I think it's fourth time since sp500 hit 3000. This time he might be right though.

US 10 Year Bond +0.73% yield...

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42 minutes ago, Ponty Mython said:


I'd been doing well trading in/out of that but this time I must have got glue on my fingers because the baby has stuck!

A beacon of hope?



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