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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 3)


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4 minutes ago, MMax said:

And go where?

Where is substantially better?

Japan. If I could go to Japan with my family I would. Probably not an option. So I have either the Pitcairn islands on a British passport (descendants of pirates, incests, and cannibals) or out of fashion, unpopular seaside resorts like Bognor Regis. I’ll take my chances with the Pitcairn Islands.

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2 minutes ago, Lightscribe said:

Japan. If I could go to Japan with my family I would. Probably not an option so I have either the Pitcairn islands on a British passport (descendants of pirates, incests, and cannibals) or out of fashion seaside resorts like Bognor. I’ll take my chances with the Pitcairn Islands.

That is surely a dream rather than a possibility?

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Just now, MMax said:

That is surely a dream rather than a possibility?

Bognor is probably the reality, but I don’t want any of you fuckers down there stealing my best fishing spots, so I’m going to say Brighton.

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4 hours ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

And there it is.


"Well at least you're not being bombed. Stop whining".


They really do despise us.

Sometimes you just have to stop and take a moment.

We are being told we need to pay the piper by a serial liar who has never paid his way and used his position to promote his own interests and those of his circle. When his girlfriend insisted that they replace the "John Lewis Nightmare" decor Boris attempted to have a 'donor' foot the bill. This man has just held a lavish wedding party at the property of another 'donor' when he was informed that using Chequers would be inappropriate. 

Johnson is a cunt, from a long line of cunts. Perhaps he should fuck off to obscurity where he can milk merchant banks for speaking fees and non exec directorship appointments along with his soulless mate Tony Blair.

I preferred him when he was running over little Chinese children to score a try. At least his ambitions were obvious. 

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8 hours ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

Finding myself ultra tempted by X3 leveraged LNG ETFs. Someone stop me 😂

I play the unleveraged one as I hold longer term and the daily maths of the leveraged ones would crucify me.  I went in to gas a while ago and lost.  I wa too early!

PS:  The unleveraged one up 21% MTD.

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That's what 600 billion gets you.


Huge wind capacity, running at less than 10% 


Stupid fucking bastards 😂😂😂


Just now, Harley said:

I play the unleveraged one as I hold longer term and the daily maths of the leveraged ones would crucify me.  I went in to gas a while ago and lost.  I wa too early!

PS:  The unleveraged one up 21% MTD.

I noticed one of the X3 funds is up 370% this year already 😳

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1 hour ago, Lightscribe said:

Japan. If I could go to Japan with my family I would. Probably not an option. So I have either the Pitcairn islands on a British passport (descendants of pirates, incests, and cannibals) or out of fashion, unpopular seaside resorts like Bognor Regis. I’ll take my chances with the Pitcairn Islands.


"they said disinflation would never go oh oh,now i find myself sitting alone,it wasnt something i said that made inflation run,its breaking up lots of happy homes,,,,mister can you tell me where my capital has gone?,i woke up one morning and it was gone ,people now ask about macro every day,but what can i tell them i dont know what to say,just sell your BTLs and buy Turkcell and make hay"



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sancho panza

US housing market looks likeit's unwinding.


Sales of New Houses Collapse (in the West by 50%!) Inventories & Supply Spike to High Heaven, Worst since Peak of Housing Bust 1

by Wolf Richter • Aug 23, 2022

Forget “housing shortage.” It’s about crazy prices: For sales to revive at these mortgage rates, prices have got to come down a lot — and they’re starting to.





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5 hours ago, Cattle Prod said:

Journalists, you are misrepresenting this increase in gas production, get it right, this is fucking important. Highlight that this gas is coming on stream in SPITE of the government, protests, ridicule and derision. And the real story is that it took 11 years. If you want another one, be prepared to wait.

Despite facts and logic, there’s no stopping the ‘narrative’, falls on deaf ears.




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7 hours ago, sancho panza said:

US housing market looks likeit's unwinding.


Sales of New Houses Collapse (in the West by 50%!) Inventories & Supply Spike to High Heaven, Worst since Peak of Housing Bust 1

by Wolf Richter • Aug 23, 2022

Forget “housing shortage.” It’s about crazy prices: For sales to revive at these mortgage rates, prices have got to come down a lot — and they’re starting to.





One of the main reasons governments hate lower house prices is because you can pay off the mortgage quicker.People talk about cost of servicing the mortgage,but even if the costs are more to service a £100k loan with higher rates than a £150k one with lower rates your still better off if you work to pay down the capital.Of course it favours frugal,and sensible people.

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Looks like Canada is first up for digital ID.

Now how are they going to convince all those truckers?


How will they convince the red half of the US?

They’ll be trying to start to push it through here by next year also. So what angle are they going to come from?

Energy restrictions/allowances, ‘help’ from the government with mortgage/rent payments? Immigration? Climate change carbon/fuel usage? Lots of possibilities.

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6 minutes ago, Lightscribe said:


Looks like Canada is first up for digital ID.

Now how are they going to convince all those truckers?


How will they convince the red half of the US?

They’ll be trying to start to push it through here by next year also. So what angle are they going to come from?

Energy restrictions/allowances, ‘help’ from the government with mortgage/rent payments? Immigration? Climate change carbon/fuel usage? Lots of possibilities.

Not immigration going of previous form ,  therefore making it useless and just  another way to  blow a shed load on themselves imo.

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36 minutes ago, Plan-b said:

The UK is leading the way

Global recession is coming. UK new export orders in the global manufacturing PMIs fell to 41 in the flash reading for August


Recession or Depression.  This is looking bad.

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23 minutes ago, Phil said:

Not immigration going of previous form ,  therefore making it useless and just  another way to  blow a shed load on themselves imo.

Well it’s not really about actually being effective at what they claim they’re going to be introducing it for, it’s more about getting it in place and the plebs to swallow it whilst avoiding the possibility of them burning down parliament or putting the likes of Blair’s head on a spike.


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23 minutes ago, Lightscribe said:

Well it’s not really about actually being effective at what they claim they’re going to be introducing it for, it’s more about getting it in place and the plebs to swallow it whilst avoiding the possibility of them burning down parliament or putting the likes of Blair’s head on a spike.


Trouble is, they're probably right about the plebs and it will work.

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2 hours ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

Someone's put this up in London apparently 😂


Is this the County Durham Flag….DB has been quiet this morning. Maybe he’s still on his way back from London 😉🤷🏻‍♂️

(slow off the blocks…spotted this is a yellow/blue flag theme🤦🏻‍♂️…therefore I need to add etc etc) 


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Yadda yadda yadda
7 hours ago, Lightscribe said:

A couple of points putting aside her assertion that net zero is not a problem (coal, for one, would be a solution to high gas prices as would greater investment in oil and gas over the last decade). Firstly, she identifies high gas wholesale prices as the problem yet doesn't offer a solution. She appears not to care about high consumer prices judging by the glib way she dismisses those high prices. She is alright jack. Secondly, she states that households with electric cars, heat pumps and extra insulation can save £1k per year in bills. Hmm, maybe, but at what initial cost. These are all very expensive and if the up front extra cost exceeds £25k, which I think it will easily, then the return is below 4%. Not worth it.


Edit: just remembered the third problem. She doesn't even mention that these price rises will sink the economy more rapidly than a particularly jagged iceberg.

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Support for the German Greens is through the roof since Russian invasion. All-time high.


Germany isn't a country, it's a death cult.


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