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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 2)


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1 minute ago, Bricks & Mortar said:

My entire portfolio, (all pm miners), what's left of it after being stopped out on half them last week. 
Today, I'm up 25% at this point.   Faceripping!

Yeah NGD up by 30%! (But still down overall by 68%)

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Bricks & Mortar
15 minutes ago, BearyBear said:

Wow... Ben's dream came true! Can you hear that noise..? 

I'm humming Paint it Black.

Overall, I'm 'only' down 6% at this point.  Half my portfolio got stopped out on the second day of falls.  Bought RDSB at £13, and got stopped out around £12.  Went big into GDXJ at just under $24 with the proceeds, and forgot to set a stop.
Having stops set, and continuously resetting them to 10% below the present value in the days before this kicked off, has really saved my bacon.
I've taken an absolute beating on Endeavour Silver and First Majestic (went from nearly +100% at New year, to -10% yesterday!), as they're overseas shares and I can't do stop losses on them via HL.  Looking to get rid of them in the near future, even though the gold/silver ratio is off the scale, and they're my only remaining silver plays.

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1 minute ago, Noallegiance said:


This is why socialism masquerading as capitalism has filled the world with poorly run debt addict companies that should be dead already.

Well they're gonna give it one last blast of Adrenalin how long that will last is anyones guess.


if their "recovery" from the last madness has resulted in this madness, you can guess what the final madness is

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2 minutes ago, Noallegiance said:


This is why socialism masquerading as capitalism has filled the world with poorly run debt addict companies that should be dead already.

My 'hardcore capitalist' mate went quiet for a bit when I used the phrase deadwood zombie companies earlier.  He's not the type to "Yeah but" so he knew what I meant, I think it just surprised him.

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2 minutes ago, TheCountOfNowhere said:

you can guess what the final madness is

Long over due! If they do this it can't last longer than a year surely? Not another 2008 please, I couldn't stand it xD

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Don Coglione
6 minutes ago, Noallegiance said:


This is why socialism masquerading as capitalism has filled the world with poorly run debt addict companies that should be dead already.

I think we are in absolute agreement!

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My 60/40 tracker has saved me from the horror show that has been reflation stocks. The crazy thing is that while most of my portfolio took a kicking Polar Capital Technology  and Scottish Mortgage Trust have proved to be very resilient.

Based on this thread I should’ve sold them years ago, but I’m long technology and this has now allowed me to get position in Shell and BP at great prices. I’m still 20% down mind you.

This has been an important lesson in asset allocation and I’m glad it happened now and not later in my accumulation period.


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26 minutes ago, Loki said:

Long over due! If they do this it can't last longer than a year surely? Not another 2008 please, I couldn't stand it xD

They've been quick on it this time.

They know the people will allow it.

Who knows whats coming next


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23 minutes ago, MrXxxx said:

Office for Budget Responsibility?....

....that's a fucxing joke isn't it?!

When's Rishi the Banker on. I like live comedy.

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Just now, Noallegiance said:

When's Rishi the Banker on. I like live comedy.

Is it 17:30 like yesterday? I very rarely look at MSM stuff, I'm more likely to come straight here

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Anyone looked at Boeing ?


Boeing Co performance chart


That's pretty insane.

Just today...


Sell:$115.51 Buy:$116.54 security-down-arrow.gif $14.30 (11.03%)



You can clearly see the QE inflated bubble.


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3 hours ago, M S E Refugee said:

No deliveries of Bullion from Bullion by Post and Atkinsons due to high demand and also APMEX in the US has very little stock.

The paper and physical markets seem detached from each other.

I placed an order with Baird a short while ago. It took a credit card deposit, I'm waiting for the email confirmation. I tried earlier this afternoon but a message was displayed saying trading was halted and to try later. 

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2 minutes ago, TheCountOfNowhere said:

Anyone looked at Boeing ?


Boeing Co performance chart


That's pretty insane.

Just today...


Sell:$115.51 Buy:$116.54 security-down-arrow.gif $14.30 (11.03%)



You can clearly see the QE inflated bubble.


Hey that's what happened to some of their airplanes.

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12 minutes ago, TheCountOfNowhere said:

Anyone looked at Boeing ?


Boeing Co performance chart


That's pretty insane.

Just today...


Sell:$115.51 Buy:$116.54 security-down-arrow.gif $14.30 (11.03%)



You can clearly see the QE inflated bubble.


Just a massive sink for QE money? Just look at it since 2015...

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OK, so is this whole Covid hype just a last ditched attempt to squeeze the final capital from the plebs or am I just being cynical?....

..they have exausted housing by inflating the bubble (& are waiting to crash the market/force negative equity)...

...they crash the stocks (& so peoples DC pensions)....

....& they have screwed savers over the last 10 years...I can't think whats left...

.....oh wait a minute, the NHS is going to be shown via Covid cases to be `unfit for purpose` , `supported` in its `time of need`, and so privatized by stealth....

....or am I just being cynical?!

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sancho panza

@Cattle Prod

Quick question and open to otehrs eg @DurhamBorn @Harley

CP.I've set our final ladders down to £7 on RDSB for example.I don't think they're going to get hit.Im playing with the idea of having a point where it's high enough to confimr the bottom is in but low enough to still present value-although I think there's real value in RDSB under £15.NAd then mvoing full allocation on the table.

My issue is that I think we're looking at once in a generation rpices at this moment in oilies.

 I think we're going to bounce back up as quickly as we've come down (and boy oh boy has that drop been steep)in some stocks.Goldies like KGC did a 40% move bottom to top Monday.Sell off in all the big oilies has been sharp,suggesting rebound could be equally sharp.

Any views welcome.I'm thinking £13 on RDSB,£3.50 on BP,XOM $45,EQNR $14............

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