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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 3)


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13 minutes ago, DurhamBorn said:

I did think about it,but there is zero point me working now.Government freezing IHT ,pension lifetime allowance etc.Id have to work to simply consume more,and my time is worth 100x that.I also cant bring myself to do anything to help the country or government.They hate middle aged white blokes who do all the wealth creation.Maybe all those boat people they are bringing in on cutters as a taxi can do it instead.

Notice the NHS today forcing jabs on people or lose your job,incredible that it is even thought about.

I just liked Bobs comment above, because I agree with the sentiment and I actually quite like work if it's on my terms.  The way you put it though I really don't blame you.  In some ways I'd rather things collapse sooner rather than later so the next generation can rebuild in time to get the most out of their lives.  The way things are heading now it will either be full blown communism when the govt basically abolishes private property for the vast majority through taxes, or a massive backlash and civil war.  Paying these taxes now is a bit like signing our own death warrants.

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1 hour ago, DoINeedOne said:

Abit random but have you ever wondered what's inside BAT's Vuse Vapour products, not alot really xD



aha, semi shortage will stop me vaping.

Shipped dried tobacco will stop me smoking.

Greta et al will stop me gorging on meat.

Boris will stop me driving.

etc etc etc. Fookin' hell i best hurry up and die before i run out of things allowed.


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King of Fools
23 minutes ago, leonardratso said:

aha, semi shortage will stop me vaping.

Shipped dried tobacco will stop me smoking.

Greta et al will stop me gorging on meat.

Boris will stop me driving.

etc etc etc. Fookin' hell i best hurry up and die before i run out of things allowed.


You’ll be able to fit in a crafty couple of extra wanks

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51 minutes ago, Cattle Prod said:

I did, been building a position for two weeks. It's gonna whipsaw both ways I think, I should take a slice

Motherfuc.......I mean, yaaaay! Happy for you! 😏😆

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2 hours ago, DurhamBorn said:

They hate middle aged white blokes who do all the wealth creation. Maybe all those boat people they are bringing in on cutters as a taxi can do it instead.

I work all over the place, and the one thing you can be certain of when staying in a Premier Inn/Travelodge or so called workers hotels during the week, is that it must be close to 100% of the people staying there and getting back at around 5/6PM are white males.

Even when i worked in London on a building site, it was predominantly white males,  with blacks doing jobs such as security guards or taking people up and down the lift.


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1 hour ago, Chewing Grass said:

Excellent, France is that corrupt it will take 10 years to build one, have they started that one the Finnish were daft enough to buy never mind their own EPR.

They did start it, but the only people to actually operate one are the Chinese.  I'm sure that's because they are great at building them and not because they have lax safety requirements, just like the USSR.  :( 

"As of 2020 the project is more than five times over budget and years behind schedule. Various safety problems have been raised, including weakness in the steel used in the reactor.  On 29 June 2019, it was announced that the start-up was once again being pushed back, making it unlikely it could be started before the end of 2022."

"Unit 3 is an EPR reactor and has been under construction since 2005. The start of commercial operation was originally planned for May 2009[3] but the project has been delayed and, as of August 2020, the latest estimate for start of regular production is February 2022"


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2 hours ago, Froggy2000 said:

I just liked Bobs comment above, because I agree with the sentiment and I actually quite like work if it's on my terms.  The way you put it though I really don't blame you.  In some ways I'd rather things collapse sooner rather than later so the next generation can rebuild in time to get the most out of their lives.  The way things are heading now it will either be full blown communism when the govt basically abolishes private property for the vast majority through taxes, or a massive backlash and civil war.  Paying these taxes now is a bit like signing our own death warrants.

When the govt are willing to hand over money to parents earning £50k per annum, then you know its gone seriously wrong ... i;ve no doubt parents bringing home 50k will struggle in many parts of the country, but that sort of income must put them in the top few percent of earners on planet earth. 


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4 minutes ago, Hancock said:

When the govt are willing to hand over money to parents earning £50k per annum, then you know its gone seriously wrong ... i;ve no doubt parents bringing home 50k will struggle in many parts of the country, but that sort of income must put them in the top few percent of earners on planet earth. 


Exactly.  I think its about time Atlas Shrugged.  Lets put our houses in order then make it happen.

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1 hour ago, Hancock said:

When the govt are willing to hand over money to parents earning £50k per annum, then you know its gone seriously wrong ... i;ve no doubt parents bringing home 50k will struggle in many parts of the country, but that sort of income must put them in the top few percent of earners on planet earth. 


can you cut and paste some  more ?

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Talking Monkey
5 hours ago, DurhamBorn said:

I was offered a job yesterday for a smallish company,they have won a big contract onshoring the production of those metal parcel trolleys Royal Mail etc use.They were repairing them for people,but cheaper now to make here.Problem is they cant get staff.They even offered me good money working just 8 hours Sat and Sun rest of week off,its just up the road as well.Machines easy to fix etc,but i turned them down.I actually felt a bit guilty as i could of helped them get away and it will create local jobs,and they were great about the money and saying yes to just two days a week and call out.No point me doing any work though with the Lifetime Allowance etc on pensions.

On the lifetime allowance the government are total stupid bastards to freeze it. They're taking away the incentive to work. 


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7 hours ago, Talking Monkey said:

On the lifetime allowance the government are total stupid bastards to freeze it. They're taking away the incentive to work. 


Can someone explain that to me please, as I see it the allowance is just over £1m and you can opt out of having a pension at your workplace so surely you can just put it into a normal share ISA instead?


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14 minutes ago, StrugglingMillennial said:

Can someone explain that to me please, as I see it the allowance is just over £1m and you can opt out of having a pension at your workplace so surely you can just put it into a normal share ISA instead?


Can do, but you pay tax on money before it goes into your ISA, and contributions are limited to £20k pa. Nice problems to have, personally I don't see any issue with the allowances where they are now, I'd be inclined to lower them or introduce a new tax charge that just applies to public sector pensions, so many public sector workers retire on a pension that's way more than the average wage.

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11 hours ago, Cattle Prod said:

Were you picking his pocket?! Legend.

I wish! To be honest I didnt even know who he was until his entourage got all arsey and shoved an NDA in my face.
Was visiting a few east coast USA cities on one of my long trips and was chasing up a few ex-colleagues. Went to meet one for lunch in her new building and was waiting in the lobby for the lift. As I went to get in, bumped into this bloke and some heavy security pulled me aside and gave me the 3rd degree. If it wasnt for the fact my friend worked there and she was cute they would have got told to eff off. That probably would have got me deported!
Anyway turns out the building was one of those earmarked for the new Amazon HQ and they made me sign an NDA. Of course I did then went straight back to my hotel and checked the betting odds, stuck 200 quid on it with Paddy Power. Nice wee earner even though the odds got split because of the dual hqs (now cancelled).

Going back o/t (ish) got a strange email last week I think I shouldnt have been sent (done some research in the area but not really my thing as it were). It was about the price cap and failed and probably soon to fail companies not having paid their ROCs payments. It listed about 5 or 6 companies that ofgem are going after for not paying and who probably cant pay. Says ofgem are looking at the whole price cap thing again and to be fair says they are looking at business practices of companies who set up, sell cheap, pay directors (my interpretation of the text), dont pay rocs then die with everyone else picking up the bills.
Says the review is to be done before the next price cap announcement, so perhaps a more fluid price cap? Doesnt apply here in NI and have already posted about my electric going up 9% on 1st december (thats in addition to all the other rises this year). I always thought getting in the solar/batteries would protect me from cost inflation but I honestly thought it would be a slow steady rise over a number of years, not the best part of 50% in 6 months with no end in sight.

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My cheap dual fuel fix ends soon so I stuck an extra 30% usage on my latest non smart meter readings I have to send them every quarter to pre pay at the cheaper rate :D

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5 minutes ago, geordie_lurch said:

My cheap dual fuel fix ends soon so I stuck an extra 30% usage on my latest non smart meter readings I have to send them every quarter to pre pay at the cheaper rate :D

Lovely idea - would never have occurred to me

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13 hours ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

I talked about it, then bottled it. 


If anyone wants me I'll be outside with a bottle of whisky and a revolver. 😒

Im still waiting on my margin account to be approved.

I was going to do Tesla / rigthmove but missed the boat on tesla now, might shoot up again.

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10 hours ago, Hancock said:

I work all over the place, and the one thing you can be certain of when staying in a Premier Inn/Travelodge or so called workers hotels during the week, is that it must be close to 100% of the people staying there and getting back at around 5/6PM are white males.

Even when i worked in London on a building site, it was predominantly white males,  with blacks doing jobs such as security guards or taking people up and down the lift.


Sussex Gardens for me. Proper shithole digs. Happy days in the flying scotsman. 

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ITV up 10% atm today.  My fake October buy signal on the daily turned good, so far!  It happens a lot these days!  Monthly a bit toppy but a possibility of a run.  Weekly looks stronger.  But then that's quite a pop to digest.  DYOR.  I've been wanting out on ethical reasons for some time so hopefully can soon.  

Presumably this:

"ITV (LON:ITV) - Q3 total external revenue up 28% to £2.381 billion, up 8% compared to 2019. Total advertising revenue for 2021 is expected to be the highest in ITV's history. Q4 TAR is expected to be up between 11% and 13% against strong comparatives in 2020".

Broadcasters around the world have done quite well share price and yield wise for a while now. 

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8 hours ago, Talking Monkey said:

On the lifetime allowance the government are total stupid bastards to freeze it. They're taking away the incentive to work. 


They are removing incentives to work in many areas.Its very sinister.Take Universal Credit.Now families earning up to £50k can get it (thats if they are getting £750 a month for rent in it) there is no point saving because it stops your claim if you have over £16k.

So we now have masses of people in their prime working years where there is no incentive to increase hours and/or save.The flip side of course is that in due course you end up with these same people hitting say 47,kids go over 18 and they get no benefits,but have not bought a house so have full rent,no savings,and 20 years until state pension.

Most of this is caused by central banks monetising debt for government.Instead of private savings creating capital for the economy,the central bank is now doing it and passing to government.We are now communist in all but name in many areas.

There are going to be masses of skint people in their mid 40s because government policy is now to fill them with free money,then remove it.

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Yadda yadda yadda
20 minutes ago, RJT1979 said:

I did something similar. You could get caught if random check though.

Just say you're self isolating due to covid. Obviously won't work if the meters are outside.

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