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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 3)


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M S E Refugee
9 minutes ago, Jesus Wept said:

Will banking system collapse and spread contagion to the rest of the global financial system - all these things are connected. 

Big Kahuna coming? Was Friday the final one day melt up…? 


I'm resigned to losing my Russian investments.

I have bought more Silver off ebay,hopefully my Metals will soften the blow.

I think Putin may have no choice but to turn off the Gas.

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6 minutes ago, Jesus Wept said:

Will banking system collapse and spread contagion to the rest of the global financial system - all these things are connected. 

Big Kahuna coming? Was Friday the final one day melt up…? 


Dollar demand spiking up Monday? Just the excuse the Fed needs for some extra "unplanned" "emergency" open market operations. Then DH finally gets his meltup and we'll have to have a whipround for the upgrade to extra-large bronze balls on his statue in Durham

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Yadda yadda yadda
12 hours ago, Jesus Wept said:



Looks like they want to isolate Russia completely - the unintended consequences here are unfathomable….

Sadly I think they're intended consequences. Russia has to retaliate and that is known. The variable is how. Remember the fuss about Russian navy exercises near Ireland over undersea cables? Or the reputed abilities of Russian hackers? If Russia could take out western banking in response why wouldn't they? Or the gas supply. Remember also cyber polygon at the WEF and the similar rehearsal for a global pandemic right before the global pandemic? I'm afraid I am almost a fully fledged conspiralooney now.

If the internet goes down next week I won't even be able to post 'i told you so' on here. How shit will that be?

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23 hours ago, Plan-b said:

I agree, this is a major British company and a world leader, this woke rubbish is gonna wreck this country if it continues. We need major energy companies like these going forward, and now Shell has relocated to the UK how long before this BS affects them too? Short sighted political toxic nonsense IMO.

This major British company's four largest shareholders are American companies. The fifth largest is an Israeli company. 

There are more American board members than British.

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As a newbie I understand and accept the fair challenge that comments have become more ‘speculative and trading’….I guess a reflection of the exceptional circumstances over the past 2/3 weeks. People looking to gain short term. 

So longer term considerations for me are I think the ‘invasion’ will allow the Fed will be able to hold interest rates at these artificial low levels…..kicking the can down the road. The volatility of shares and any losses on never never shares, inflation and any human suffering can be parcelled up and blamed on Putin.

Gold is a funny one, it races up all day then the Dow opens and it drops back like nothing has happened. Gold for me is the constant around the swirling FIAT currencies and it all feels very artificial at the moment because with all the printy printy paper money is becoming worth less and less. Gold should be more. 

So no 8am panic from me on Monday….the US finance news channels will keep feeding everyone it’s warm diarrhoea and the Dow will hold up despite many of the US companies that are valued at billions actually earning very little actual money. 8 bits of bad news ignored, big over reaction to some good news and the Dow laps it up. (For now) 

However, things do feel precarious and I think it will be Putins financial actions (yet to really see) rather than the West’s that really give the final push one way or the other.🤦🏻‍♂️

Longer term DB & Co looks spot on…

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I think I'll get stoned early today so I can stay up late tonight and get an early idea of market reaction :/

Got the free vegies on the boil :) I was talking to the 'dumpster divers' yesterday so they gave me a share of their stash....

Always make out like a scruff :ph34r: Then trade with the big boys when things really matter :P

You wanna know about diversity? I'll give u diversity lmao........Woke EU bitches can go get fukked! :Jumping:

PS I'm having foie gras on the top, large rolls of foie gras in the bloody bin! God bless em the mad bastards!

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this is an example of how dumb the eejits are, see the date on my pudding? it was the 26 feb yesterday NOT 26 march!

I got 3 of them and 2 foie gras! There was nearly a punch up for the foie gras!

I find it very entertaining and very very interesting talking to the 'downtrodden classes'

I'm actually there as part of the peacekeeping force cos one old geezer is highly aggressive...

Edit: i think he's doing a good sideline, he used to have a knackered old A3 and he's recently upgraded to a newish SUV! there's money in dem der bins xD

edit again...be careful lol


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2 hours ago, geordie_lurch said:

Anyone going to sell BP first thing Monday as they seem to be the most exposed to Russia?

Nope, I have no contacts in either countries intelligence services and I'm not trusting anything MSM, so I will hold

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51 minutes ago, nirvana said:

this is an example of how dumb the eejits are, see the date on my pudding? it was the 26 feb yesterday NOT 26 march!


If they havent followed refrigeration procedures then its dumped out with the rest of the days reductions.
Im very wary of that stuff, could have been sitting in the sun for hours.

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3 hours ago, M S E Refugee said:

I'm resigned to losing my Russian investments.

I have bought more Silver off ebay,hopefully my Metals will soften the blow.

I think Putin may have no choice but to turn off the Gas.

I’m expecting another big sell off tomorrow in Russian stocks.

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2 hours ago, DoINeedOne said:

So much mixed information out there but in regards to Gazprom I found these interesting 




I think this is a bit naively optimistic on their part. It's akin to me kicking the crap out of you and then still expect you to give me those nice cookies you bake before I give you another smack. Put yourself in Russia's shoes for a minute. Why would you want to keep supplying them with what you know are essential inputs to their economies whilst they are in the process of trashing yours?

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6 minutes ago, Castlevania said:

I’m expecting another big sell off tomorrow in Russian stocks.

And the rest. Dow indicated down 500 at this point, only 1.5% but gives an idea of sentiment for tomorrow's open. The market, unlike MSM and citizens which are currently in a frenzied emotional state, is going to dispassionately discount the implications of the Swift and central bank sanctions.


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2 hours ago, DoINeedOne said:

So much mixed information out there but in regards to Gazprom I found these interesting 




This is pure farce isn't it?  "This is war, we're going to fuck Russia up!! Oh, hang on, we still need to buy things from them otherwise we'll all be back in the stone age? OK, lets not fuck them up too much then.  Can we do a sort of partial fuck them up?"

Close on the heels of covid, our "elites" do seem to be desperate to illustrate their complete and utter incompetence.

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8 minutes ago, JimmyTheBruce said:

This is pure farce isn't it?  "This is war, we're going to fuck Russia up!! Oh, hang on, we still need to buy things from them otherwise we'll all be back in the stone age? OK, lets not fuck them up too much then.  Can we do a sort of partial fuck them up?"

Close on the heels of covid, our "elites" do seem to be desperate to illustrate their complete and utter incompetence.

Correct it's ridiculous and asking for Russia to sanction the opposite areas like energy.

In fact we are highlighting the areas we are most worried about for Russia to turn the screw on.


In reality I feel this was done to try to start a bank run over the weekend.

Over the next week some talks should happen with Russia where there are negotiations over where the boundaries should be. If not it will all escalate to Russia turning off the gas and oil (which they don't want to do but if finance is our strength, energy is theirs).


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3 hours ago, geordie_lurch said:

Anyone going to sell BP first thing Monday as they seem to be the most exposed to Russia?

No.  I think BP will be fine long term.

I am seeing if I can get a sneaky sale on POLY.  Could make 600 quid for 3 days holding.... :P

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15 minutes ago, planit said:

In fact we are highlighting the areas we are most worried about for Russia to turn the screw on.


You mean like Biden giving Putin a list of internet infrastructure that should never, ever be involved in a cyberwar?

Which the cunt did, recently.



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Well, apparently there's gong to be talks between Ukraine and Russia in Gomel, south east Belarus. The Russian negogiating team have already flown there and are waiting for the Ukraine team. But, the Russians say they're not going to stop their advance, as Ukraine said it wanted talks on Friday but then changed its mind. Well, the Ukraine president was a comedian. Perhaps, he's composing his stand up material.

1 hour ago, Loki said:

Nope, I have no contacts in either countries intelligence services and I'm not trusting anything MSM, so I will hold


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I have a reasonably balanced portfolio that can take a knock in a few stocks.  FWIW, SWIFT is a messaging system not a payments system and I read any restrictions were due in 30 days time.  Can anyone who might have done some DD confirm?

PS:  Sorry for any "tone" but my background makes me really fed up listening to posts on other threads (plus a bit here) and the msm.

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4 hours ago, Yadda yadda yadda said:

Sadly I think they're intended consequences. Russia has to retaliate and that is known. The variable is how. Remember the fuss about Russian navy exercises near Ireland over undersea cables? Or the reputed abilities of Russian hackers? If Russia could take out western banking in response why wouldn't they? Or the gas supply. Remember also cyber polygon at the WEF and the similar rehearsal for a global pandemic right before the global pandemic? I'm afraid I am almost a fully fledged conspiralooney now.

If the internet goes down next week I won't even be able to post 'i told you so' on here. How shit will that be?

Its certainly a combat indicator that the media has been setting the stage in those regards for a while now. Tinfoilhattery, especially after the last two years, is now the default setting!  Central banks would like nothing more than the internet going down, wiping trillions from stock markets and taking the various other credit bubbles with it, and giving them a blameless way out of their current wages/assets pricing mismatch pickle.  As has been mentioned, its also a perfect opportunity for moar Central Bank QE that those beastly Russians forced them to do.

Whilst the POLY situation has been unfortunately painful for many, its also been the first time for a while on here that I've seen people properly worried about the return of their money, rather than return on.  Next week will be critical to see if that starts to spread around markets generally, nothing pops a bubble faster than people rushing to the exits to sell at any price.  Next weekend may be a good time to pull the plug depending on how the "Russia = bad" narrative plays out, luckily its as easy as looking at what propaganda the media is pumping out as to how close we are.  If you start seeing Russian hacking capabilities/cable cutting stories everywhere, standby!

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12 minutes ago, Harley said:

I have a reasonably balanced portfolio that can take a knock in a few stocks.  FWIW, SWIFT is a messaging system not a payments system and I read any restrictions were due in 30 days time.  Can anyone who might have done some DD confirm?

PS:  Sorry for any "tone" but my background makes me really fed up listening to posts on other threads (plus a bit here) and the msm.

It's a messaging and payments system.


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reformed nice guy
3 hours ago, nirvana said:

this is an example of how dumb the eejits are, see the date on my pudding? it was the 26 feb yesterday NOT 26 march!

I got 3 of them and 2 foie gras! There was nearly a punch up for the foie gras!

I find it very entertaining and very very interesting talking to the 'downtrodden classes'

I'm actually there as part of the peacekeeping force cos one old geezer is highly aggressive...

Edit: i think he's doing a good sideline, he used to have a knackered old A3 and he's recently upgraded to a newish SUV! there's money in dem der bins xD

edit again...be careful lol


This is the dosbods way.

Reducing your food bill is the equivalent of minimising your portfolio charges.

Expiry dates are the beta/risk measure of your food portfolio

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20 minutes ago, Harley said:

I have a reasonably balanced portfolio that can take a knock in a few stocks.  FWIW, SWIFT is a messaging system not a payments system and I read any restrictions were due in 30 days time.  Can anyone who might have done some DD confirm?


Grant Williams sent this out today, post from 2018 but still pretty relevant: https://www.grant-williams.com/2018/tale-o-swift/

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