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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 9)


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6 minutes ago, Lightscribe said:

It’s because it’s a major miner, and is included in a lot of index funds and there’s been a lot of outflow. That’s why the majors haven’t moved much and are only just starting to slowly move in response.

The juniors move first as they’re not effected by that so much.

The west still think a gold diversion from treasuries and a strong $ is impossible and that it will reverse even though it’s been happening in front of their eyes. It’s not in their financial models.

The west hates gold. It’s kryptonite to them. Because if gold is thundering up it means something else is badly wrong in the system.
That then means their comfy existence is in danger of being compromised. They don’t want or like that.

They don’t believe in this bull run and are firmly still focused on US tech and AI and will continue to do so unless fear is brought into the markets.

If gold does indeed carry on from the indicated direction like it has been, the west will FOMO accordingly.

The majors will get a break once gold/silver price makes their earnings bounce and their rises in their ASIC costs firmly in the rear view mirror. They move last but the leverage of higher prices means once they do start moving they’ll gap up rapidly.


It's lagging majors not just minors. Though at least it's making an effort now.

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2 hours ago, Mandalorian said:

Very interesting. Powell selling bonds and has NO liabilities! Yellen got paid $7,500,000 plus in speaker's fees even though her speeches are diabolical. Most engagements with major financial institutions, quelle surprise! Bribery in advance me thinks? Her only liability is a refund of a fee for a cancelled speech. Nice work if you can fiddle it. GLA be lucky.

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looks like fres lagged the majors somewhat earlier, but it ended with a blow out today;



Mind you show aint over till the fat lady sings eh.

Edited by leonardratso
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2 hours ago, Mandalorian said:

I haven't gone through in detail, but what struck me was that Powell basically has broad market exposure to everything in the US, plus some of the rest of the world, with emphasis on Western markets. Arguably, this is exactly what you want someone with the ability to  move markets to have: in some sense, if he acts dishonestly in his own interest, he is also benefiting uncle Sam and everyone there with a 401k.

Yellen on the other hand, as well as all the speaker appointments, seems to have invested a significant amount into individual shares, including, notably ... Pfizer.

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12 minutes ago, baffledbyzirp said:

Very interesting. Powell selling bonds and has NO liabilities! Yellen got paid $7,500,000 plus in speaker's fees even though her speeches are diabolical. Most engagements with major financial institutions, quelle surprise! Bribery in advance me thinks? Her only liability is a refund of a fee for a cancelled speech. Nice work if you can fiddle it. GLA be lucky.

Powell is not daft, is he?

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13 minutes ago, leonardratso said:

looks like fres lagged the majors somewhat earlier, but it ended with a blow out today;



Mind you show aint over till the fat lady sings eh.

2:30 US market open. That’s why I said it this morning as FRES is a FTSE listing.

The UK are cunt nuggets through and through. They wouldn’t be able to recognise a rising trend if it slapped them in the face.

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22 minutes ago, geordie_lurch said:

Not sure this person is going to save the USA xD


That's a bloke.

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Anyone know of a SEDY equivalent that can be traded in Krautland? It's not available on Trade Republic. I have some SEDY in a UK-based trading account but would like some more EM exposure.

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The Taliban will be shitting itself. Holy crap what would Ike, Paton or Major General Smedley Butler think on this subject? What air brushed version of history are we to be force fed next? Is the image of the Stars and Stripes being raised at Iwo Jima to be superimposed with a rainbow flag. I give up. I want to find a deserted island where the weather is good, fuck-off and spend my dotage watching reruns of 'Dad's Army' and 'In Sickness and in Health', getting pleasantly pissed and reminiscing about simpler less confused times.

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Can anyone have a stab at explaining this for me?

Why would the dollar losing oil monopoly cause it to go higher because of large amounts of dollar denominated debt outside the US??



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Just now, ThoughtCriminal said:

Can anyone have a stab at explaining this for me?

Why would the dollar losing oil monopoly cause it to go higher because of large amounts of dollar denominated debt outside the US??



need dollars to close dollar positions

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What stood out to me in Powells assets was that he seemed to have a little bit of each providers S&P500 ETF. Smart man, eliminating counter-party risk to a degree. Multiple family trusts also means that if a lawsuit manages to pierce one it is compartmentalised from the rest.

1 minute ago, baffledbyzirp said:

What air brushed version of history are we to be force fed next?

WW2 was the entire world against Russia, including Germany and Japan "thats why it was a world war innit", and "Axis" was just an alternate name for them like "Soviet Union". The little Austrian Corporal will be airbrushed out entirely in favour of a focus on assorted Generals etc, many of whom went on to lead NATO anyway.

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Cattle Prod


Some big players are getting burnt, thanks Shoshanna :x

Shoshanna Laughing GIF - Shoshanna Laughing Fire GIFs


Edited by Cattle Prod
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