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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 9)


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Cattle Prod
5 hours ago, Mandalorian said:

I've made more since going to bed last night than I will earn in the first 6 months of this year. 

Good divi payers? :ph34r:

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2 minutes ago, Cattle Prod said:

Good divi payers? :ph34r:

10 guy train probably.

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Long time lurking
5 hours ago, Mandalorian said:

Something is definitely going on.

Just opened the spreadsheet and it auto-updates prices for me.

I have a cell that calculates the total daily change in value.

I've made more since going to bed last night than I will earn in the first 6 months of this year.  (Mostly tax free too!)

EVERYTHING is up.  Including the metals.

Unsustainable?  Who knows?

I'm just going to keep on keeping on.

Iran Straights of Hormuz 

Fear not we are all saved 


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2 minutes ago, leonardratso said:

hulk smash silver;

How far can they bring it down tho? 

I was just thinking maybe china have nought enough gold now, maybe Iran would like to get started on stage three of the conflict and send oil to $200.

That'd put the dog in the butcher's shop.

Or, more likely, the paper markets crash gold back down and everyone takes a breather till the main event.

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5 hours ago, Long time lurking said:

Interesting read ,i`m assuming this is a summary of what was discussed in the meeting between Lavrov and Xi in the last few days the day after Yellen had here arse handed to her on a plate by China 

Basically they are going it alone ,with no fucks given regarding what the west think,my money is on their alternative financial transaction system which they have been trialing for almost a year now is close to being made available to all those that are willing   

All the psyops of the last four years and more have failed 



That last paragraph of the tweet is perfect, absolutely nails it regarding western hypocrisy.

"But that's not all, it's just the beginning.
In fact, Russia and China have simply turned on the very principle that the US, Europe and all these G7 countries have been using for decades: we know it's not allowed, that it's forbidden, but we're so outraged and everything that's happening is also unfair , that we don't want to know anything - and we will go and do good without being accountable to anyone, even if it is against international law."

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45 minutes ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

Can anyone have a stab at explaining this for me?

Why would the dollar losing oil monopoly cause it to go higher because of large amounts of dollar denominated debt outside the US??



People need to buy dollars to pay back their debt

As other countries pay in different currency for oil, no need to sell dollars to pay for oil 

No selling, lots of buying, not enough dollars on the market so price goes up.

Dollars that go to pay debt disappear, the opposite of fractional lending. Lending creates money, paying it back destroys it. Dollars disappear back into the void.

Then the rub is when treasuries are sold/swapped/come full term to buy dollars. The point at which the treasury is redeemed, more dollars leave circulation (given by fed to treasury holder who buys dollars from fed account for his treasury which he sells to fed). This is before treasury holder spends them, they are not in circulation but in pocket of treasury holder.


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42 minutes ago, leonardratso said:

hulk smash silver

Not surprised it didn't go through 30 without stopping. Wouldn't rule out a close at or above 30 though.

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The BK has begun

flight to daddy USD has accelerated

The great USA is going to use its momentary new found wealth to remove the interstate system from their cities and restore them to their former non-car brained and financially solvent glory

Gold bless the USA

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1 hour ago, Axeman123 said:

Not surprised it didn't go through 30 without stopping. Wouldn't rule out a close at or above 30 though.

hmm no, seems to have lost all momentum now, just staircasing down - 5% nearly blown in a day, lorra money made and lost no doubt.

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Quite a bitch slap to gold from 16:00.

Doesn't matter anyway as i can't sell what I lost in the boating accident. 

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1 hour ago, GoneDark said:

Quite a bitch slap to gold from 16:00.

Doesn't matter anyway as i can't sell what I lost in the boating accident. 

Down less than 1% so nothing serious at the moment

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Chewing Grass
Just now, Jesus Wept said:

Breaking news.

US have just banned trading of Russian metals. Fuck. 

More reason for practical folk to ignore the US and its bid for one world governance.

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