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UK Govt Coronavirus Response: Sceptics Thread

sancho panza

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sancho panza

A sad day for the Tories.I haven't voted for them in 20 years as they're too left wing but any party that can't host an honest debate is finished.

Sacked for quoting an Israeli Cardiologist.Simply incredible.



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The quoted cardiologist even stood up and defended Bridgen, saying his tweet was not antisemitic, but to no avail, because facts don't matter anymore, only spin.

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sancho panza

many (no names mentioned) predicted at the time these videos would come back to haunt the NHS and here they are,I find it hard to believe that these routines didn't take days and nights of prep work







more at the link 3mn views.Covid IFR now accepted around the rate of a bad flu season by the WHO at 0.1%

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sancho panza

Dr Malc from Jan 23.



Returning to COVID19

31st January 2023

With the resignation of Jacinda Ardern, my thoughts were dragged back to Covid once more. Jacinda, as Prime Minster of New Zealand was the ultimate lockdown enforcer. She was feted round the world for her iron will, but I was not a fan, to put it mildly. Whenever I heard her speak, it brought to mind one of my most favourite quotes:

‘Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.’  C.S. Lewis

At one point she actually said the following:

“We will continue to be your single source of truth” “Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.’

If I ruled the world, anyone who said, that, or anything remotely like that, would be taken as far as possible from any position of power, never to be allowed anywhere near it again. Ever.

Yet, there are still many who believe her to have been a great and caring leader. She certainly hugged a lot of people with that well rehearsed pained/caring expression on her face.

Enough of that particular woman. But it got me thinking about lockdowns again and the whole worldwide madness of Covid. This was a time of such blundering idiocy that I find increasingly difficult to believe it ever happened. A bad dream.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling…’ Cue, everyone running about in panic. People, allegedly, dropping dead on the streets. Mortuaries, allegedly, overflowing. Freezer lorries, allegedly, stacked with dead bodies. Bring out your dead!

I worked with doctors who strode around the wards in positive pressure protective gear. There were GPs who simply refused to visit elderly residents in nursing homes. On my patch this was all GPs and all nursing homes. Meanwhile I happily visited away with a mask stuck to the top of my head.

During the Covid pandemic I travelled far past angry, to reach a point of utter weariness. Instead of becoming outraged by the latest rubbish that was being pronounced, I very nearly washed my hands of it. However, after learning of Jacinda’s resignation I roused myself to have another look at what actually did happen. Or to be more specific, what was the impact of Covid on overall mortality. The only outcome that really matters.

Rid your mind of the numbers claimed to have died of Covid. The, never to be clarified distinction between those who died ‘of’ or ‘with’ Covid. Or those who read an article on Covid and then, overwhelmed with fear, stepped out in front of a bus. Thus, becoming a Covid related…associated, something, anything to do with Covid, death.

Over time the Covid figures became so ridiculous and unreliable as to become meaningless. I should know, I wrote some of the death certificates myself. Let me think… ‘She died of COVID, she died of COVID not. Eeny, meeny, miney mo…’

I am not saying that Covid did not kill a large number of people. But the fact that deaths from influenza disappeared completely for two years tells me all I need to know.Roll up, roll up, Ladies and Gentlemen, to see the amazing lady influenza disappear before your very eyes.’ An astonishing trick, all the way from La La Land. ‘You expect me to believe that?  Ho, ho, ho, very funny….Oh, sorry, you actually do.’

Anyway, to clear my internal database of horribly unreliable figures, I went back to look at my favourite graphs on EuroMOMO. This website looks at overall mortality, and only overall mortality. Their data comes from countries who do know how to record deaths, honestly. Unlike some others, who shall be nameless … China.

However, the main reason to focus on EuroMOMO is that overall mortality is something you cannot fake. About the only thing you can do to manipulate the figures is hold back data for a month or two – which has been done, but not to any great degree. , without further ado, let us move onto EuroMOMO. Below is a recent graph. I have deliberately removed most of the information you need to know what it is showing. I wanted people to avoid jumping to conclusions … that they might then find it difficult row back from.


I found myself examining this graph idly and thought. Imagine if you had no idea what you were looking at here. What would you think? It’s a squiggly line, yes. Very good, gold star. What else?

To give you a bit more detail. This is a graph of overall mortality, across a large number of European countries. All of those who provide data to the EuroMOMO database anyway. Norway, the ultimate European lockdown champion, has mysteriously disappeared from the database. Maybe they shall return …. I have begun to see everything as a conspiracy nowadays.

The graph itself begins in January 2017 and finishes in January 2023. As you can see (if not terribly clearly) there are two wavy dotted lines. These lines rise up in the winter, and then fall back down in the summer. Something seen every year. This is because, every year, more people die in the winter than in the summer.

Everyone thinks they know the reason for this winter summer effect, but I am not so sure they do. But that is an enormously complicated topic for another time.

The lower, dotted lines represent the ‘average’ mortality you would expect to see [with upper and lower ‘normal’ limits] year on year. Above those wavy dotted lines sits a solid spikey line. This represents the actual number of deaths that occurred. Not just from Covid, but from everything.

This does raise an immediate question. If we keep seeing more deaths than we would expect in the winter, year on year, then the ‘average’ number of deaths should rise? Thus, the wavy dotted lines ought to be going up and up, in the winter. But they don’t.

I am not entirely sure why this is not the case. But it is a statistical question of such mind-boggling complexity that I am, frankly, unable to answer it. I have looked into it, but I was scared off by the sheer scale and difficulty of the mathematics involved. Too many equations for my poor wee brain.

Anyway, this graph starts in the winter of 2017 and ends about now. The vertical lines are drawn at midnight on Dec 31st each year. Which means that we have almost exactly six years of data. Excellent data, not manipulated in any way. I say this because, whilst the diagnosis of ‘Covid death’ may be disputed, the diagnosis of death cannot.

What stands out? Well, there was a very sharp peak of deaths in early 2020. This, as you have probably worked out, was when Covid first hit. I find it fascinating that it was so transient. It came, it went…gone. For a bit anyway.


Was the precipitous fall due to strict lockdowns? Some will doubtless argue this. However, we all locked down again in autumn 2020 and the death rate went up, and stayed up, for about six months. Until, that is, January came along, and it all settled down again. Which follows pretty much the pattern of 2017, 2108 and 2019. And the pattern of all pandemics. They come, and they go. Some a little earlier, some a little later.

What else do you see – now that we are all pretty much fully vaccinated? I think another thing that stands out is the sudden and sharp rise in mortality in November 2022. Which is virtually identical to the spike in 2020. Strange?

However, to my mind, the thing that shouts most loudly about this graph is that the years of Covid pandemic panic really do not look that much different from the previous three years. Half close your eyes, and there is almost nothing to see. The Covid peaks were a little higher, and a little longer – maybe.

If you knew nothing about the Covid pandemic I don’t think you would exclaim. ‘My God, look at these vast waves of death in 2020, 2021. What amazing, never seen before thing, happened here?’ Yes, first spike of early 2020 was certainly sharp, and unusual, but it was short. And very little different to the spike at the end of 2022. As for the rest?

Now, I would like to turn your attention to Germany. The most populous country in Europe. Here it is even more clear that the years of the Covid pandemic are not remotely unusual. If I had removed the calendar years off this graph, you would be hard pressed to spot the Covid pandemic. In truth, you would be more than hard pressed. You couldn’t.


The 2018 influenza spike was equally dramatic to Covid peak of 2021, if not more so. [You may have noticed that there was no peak in 2020] In addition, at the end of 2022, we have the highest peak of all. Future historians might well look at this graph and ask. ‘Tell me, why did the world go mad in 2020, and remain mad through 2021? Why did everyone lockdown in March 2020, and then do nothing whatsoever in December 2022?’

It almost goes without saying that, had we locked down again in November 2022, it would have been claimed that lockdown saved us all. Look at how quickly it came, then went. Well, they could have claimed it. But we didn’t lock down again, did we? In direct contrast to Germany. What of the people living in Luxembourg?


Luxembourg is surrounded by Belgium France and Germany. People move freely from one to the other, always have done, and still do. The ‘deadly’ Covid pandemic raged all around them. Here, absolutely nothing happened. Mind you, they also seem to have been unaffected by influenza.

Whilst the Germans were dying in large numbers in 2018, the Luxembourgians carried on serenely, not an extra death to be seen. Why? Discuss. [It seems that most/all countries unaffected by Covid, were also unaffected by earlier flu epidemics].

I know some of you may be thinking that Germany is much bigger than Luxembourg so … so what? If you are going to see an effect on mortality, you are more likely to see it happen, more dramatically, and rapidly, in a country with fewer people.

I should explain that the figures on the left axis, on the German and Luxembourg graphs (unlike the first one), do not represent total deaths, they are the ‘Z score’. That is, the deviation from the mean.

The upper dotted line represents a Z score of five. That means, five standard deviations above the mean. It has been decreed that if you hit more than five standard deviations above the mean, for any length of time, this is a signal that ‘something bad’ is happening. The alarm starts goes off, and epidemiologists run around bumping into each other. ‘The sky is falling… etc.’

If you use the Z score it makes no difference how large the population is. It has been specifically designed to make it possible to compare changes in overall mortality, in populations of very different sizes. I feel the need here to make it clear that Luxembourg is not that small. It has more than twice the population of Iceland, for example.

Enough of the maths already.

, deep breath, and trying to bring all these random thoughts together. What does EuroMOMO tell us? It tells us that Covid was a bit worse than a bad flu season, with 2018 being a good reference point. [There have been far worse flu epidemics than 2018, and I am not talking about 1918/19].

What EuroMOMO makes most clear, at least to me, is that Covid was not, repeat not, a pandemic of unique power, and destructiveness. It could have never have remotely justified the drastic actions that were taken to combat it.

Belatedly, this is becoming recognised, as has the damage associated with lockdowns. Here is the abstract of an article from 2022. A bit dry, but worth a read. ‘Are Lockdowns Effective in Managing Pandemics?’

‘The present coronavirus crisis caused a major worldwide disruption which has not been experienced for decades. The lockdown-based crisis management was implemented by nearly all the countries, and studies confirming lockdown effectiveness can be found alongside the studies questioning it.

In this work, we performed a narrative review of the works studying the above effectiveness, as well as the historic experience of previous pandemics and risk-benefit analysis based on the connection of health and wealth. Our aim was to learn lessons and analyze ways to improve the management of similar events in the future.

The comparative analysis of different countries showed that the assumption of lockdowns’ effectiveness cannot be supported by evidence—neither regarding the present COVID-19 pandemic, nor regarding the 1918–1920 Spanish Flu and other less-severe pandemics in the past.

The price tag of lockdowns in terms of public health is high: by using the known connection between health and wealth, we estimate that lockdowns may claim 20 times more life years than they save. It is suggested therefore that a thorough cost-benefit analysis should be performed before imposing any lockdown for either COVID-19 or any future pandemic.’ 1

In the face of such evidence, the argument for lockdown seems to be transforming into a somewhat pathetic whinge. ‘We didn’t know. It’s all very well people saying we shouldn’t have locked down now. We didn’t hear you saying it at the time. We were just following The Science, don’t blame us. Better safe than sorry. Don’t blame us …I think you’re being very nasty to us.’

This, of course, is nonsense. There were plenty of scientists arguing against lockdown at the time. However, they were all ruthlessly censored, attacked, and silenced. Experts such as Prof. John Ioannidis, Prof. Karol Sikora, Prof. Sunetra Gupta, Prof. Carl Heneghan. These last two UK professors argued very strenuously against lockdowns. They were ignored, then vilified. Here from an article written in January 2021:

‘…Sunetra Gupta. She’s been getting flak from the mob for months but it reached a crescendo yesterday when she was on the Today programme. Why is the BBC giving space to a nutter, people asked? She isn’t a nutter, of course. She’s an infectious disease epidemiologist at Oxford University. But she bristles against the COVID consensus and that makes her a bad person, virtually a witch, in the eyes of the zealous protectors of COVID orthodoxy. Professor Gupta has written about the barrage of abuse she receives via email. ‘Evil’, they call her.’

‘…her chief crime, judging from the hysterical commentary about her, is that she is critical of harsh lockdowns. She is a founder of the Great Barrington Declaration, which proposes that instead of locking down the whole of society we should shield the elderly and the vulnerable while allowing other people to carry on pretty much as normal. It is this perfectly legitimate discussion of a social and political question — the question of lockdown — that has earned Gupta the most ire.’ 2

I would like to point out that I was arguing against lockdown, right from the very beginning. Yes, I do enjoy saying, ‘I told you so’ from time to time. It is one of the few satisfactions I get in life nowadays. Here is a section from a blog I wrote in March 2020. Once again, right from the start:

‘…However, there is also a health downside associated with our current approach. Many people are also going to suffer and die, because of the actions we are currently taking. On the BBC, a man with cancer was being interviewed. Due to the shutdown, his operation is being put back by several months – at least. Others with cancer will not be getting treatment. The level of worry and anxiety will be massive.

Hip replacements are also being postponed and other, hugely beneficial interventions are not being done. Those with heart disease and diabetes will not be treated. Elderly people, with no support, may simply die of starvation in their own homes. Jobs will be lost, companies are going bust, suicides will go up. Psychosocial stress will be immense.

In my role, working in Out of Hours, we are being asked to watch out for abuse in the home. Because we know that children will now be more at risk, trapped in their houses. Also, partners will suffer greater physical abuse, stuck in the home, unable to get out. Not much fun.

Which means that we are certainly not looking at a zero-sum game here, where every case of COVID prevented, or treated, is one less death. There is a health cost.

There is also the impact of economic damage, which can be immense. I studied what happened in Russia, following the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the economic and social chaos that ensued. There was a massive spike in premature deaths.

In men, life expectancy fell by almost seven years, over a two to three-year period. A seven-year loss of life expectancy in seventy million men, is forty-nine million QALYs worth. It is certainly a far greater health disaster than COVID can possibly create…3

And lo, the damage is coming to pass. Maybe not so many people dying of starvation as I predicted, at least not in the West. In poorer countries, however …

Another terrible thing that happened during lockdown was the vilification of anyone who dared question the official narrative. Yet almost everything they predicted has come true. Have the likes of Professor Gupta been forgiven and welcomed back into the fold? Have a wild guess on that one.

What of those who deliberately whipped up the panic and led the dreadful behavioural psychology teams. They quite deliberately frothed the population into a state of terror. What of those, whose ridiculous models kicked the whole damned thing off? The Professor Neil Fergusons of this land? Yes, you.

These people are all still comfortably ensconced, advising away. Their positions fully secure. In the UK they were mostly given knighthoods, damehoods, and other shiny gongs to impress their friends with. This, I find hard to swallow.

More worrying is that there will never be an honest review on the pandemic. Why, because so many people in positions of power would be seriously threatened by it. Which means that any such review will end up as a completely bland whitewash.  ‘In general the actions taken were reasonable, and in a situation where so much was unknown, it was better to try and protect the public … blah, blah.’ Case closed.

The reality is that these lockdowns were a complete disaster. A complete disaster. The fact that we will never have a proper debate about them, means that we will learn nothing from what happened. This, in turn, means that another disaster is on the way. Those who should be listened to will be attacked, silenced and censored, again.

Those who got it all horribly wrong last time will be handed even greater powers … next time. The reason why lockdowns did not work, they will argue, is because they were not strict enough, or long enough. We need proper lockdowns next time. You have been warned. Cast your eyes over China.

I will leave you with the conclusion of the paper ‘Are lockdowns effective in managing pandemics?’

  • Neither previous pandemics nor COVID19 provide clear evidence that lockdowns help to prevent death in pandemic
  • Lockdowns are associated with a considerable human cost. Even if somewhat effective in preventing COVID19 death, they probably cause far more extensive (an order of magnitude or more) loss of life
  • A thorough risk-benefit analysis must be performed before imposing any lockdown in future.

Which can probably be summed in in the words: Primum non nocere. First, do no harm.

The central guiding principle of medicine that was hurled out of the window in March 2020 by people who seem not to exhibit a scrap of humility, or humanity. Nor apology.

1: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9368251/

2: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-censorious-war-on-lockdown-sceptics/

3: https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2020/03/29/a-health-economic-perspective-on-covid-19/

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Heart's Ease
On 07/06/2023 at 22:25, sancho panza said:

The Great Awakening.1 hr 30 mins.Thought provoking stuff.

13 minutes in and it;s pretty chiling already then we get the following sight.......




Thanks for posting. Hope everyone can spare the time, even to have it playing in the background.

Very strong for much of it. The hefty dose of G Edward Griffin was a pleasure for me. (Zerohedge got me onto The Creature from Jekyll Island c. 2008. TOS Yuri Bezmenov.  Wikipedia doesn't even mention the latter, but that's the one I see most clips of around and about).

I watched/listened to this back to back with Matt Walsh's What is a Woman? and Morgoth latest on Turning Away.  Similar themes in all three. Then just now, Dr John's latest on the WHO global health certificate.

Put a few links below for those who are interested.

Time to get outside and digest.  My take away from all of them - educate, love and nurture your family, build and invest in your community. 





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Austin Allegro
On 02/05/2023 at 00:50, sancho panza said:

many (no names mentioned) predicted at the time these videos would come back to haunt the NHS and here they are,I find it hard to believe that these routines didn't take days and nights of prep work







more at the link 3mn views.Covid IFR now accepted around the rate of a bad flu season by the WHO at 0.1%

IIRC at the time, this bullsh*t was justified because the NHS had had to 'clear the decks' of normal patients and the idea was they were having to keep their spirits up while they waited for the imminent deluge of Covid zombies which was always going to happen within the next two weeks, and that was spun out for at least two months!

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sancho panza

Not saying this poor wee man was killed by lockdown but they never did any cost/benefit analysis for the policy that I'm aware of.


The death became the latest addition to a heartbreaking roll call of children killed during the pandemic which includes Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, Finley Boden, Logan Mwangi and Star Hobson.

At Coventry Crown Court today, Scott remained composed in the dock as her partner Howell was sentenced.

Howell slumped forward in the dock, with his right hand cupping his chin, as Mr Justice Wall told the 41-year-old: 'I am sure that you got pleasure from inflicting pain and discomfort.

'In my judgment some of your actions can properly be described as sadistic.

The ten missed opportunities to save Alfie Steele 

1. 27/8/19 neighbour recorded Alfie screaming 'let me in' before Howell 'shoved' him to the floor and let him back in. She complained to the council over potential drug dealing at the house.

2. 2/3/20 A teaching assistant who knew Alfie saw Howell screaming at him outside a GP surgery, with Scott ignoring the abuse. Reported to school.

3: A PCSO in the area was told of above incident and approached Howell, who wouldn't engage. Police then arrive, and speak to Howell at a nearby shopping centre. He gave a false name.

4: 4/4/20 Next-door neighbour Daniel Grindrod called police at 5.30am reporting distressed whimpering sounds from Alfie and banging and crashing in house.

5: April 2020 Neighbour saw Alfie mopping floor at 4.30am, and another time Alfie outside in just his underwear on a winter's day. Reported to social services.

6: 5/4/20: Neighbour called police to report general concerns about Scott and Howell.

7: 10/4/20 Passer-by saw Howell screaming at Alfie outside a supermarket. Reported to police.

8: 4/5/20 Neighbour Graham Willetts called police after seeing Alfie locked outside in his boxer shorts.

9: 4/5/20 PC attended late night, Scott lied about Howell's presence but the officer saw him at a window and ordered him to leave. Checked on Alfie, who was in bed.

10: 3/8/20 The other next-door neighbour, Gemma Allcott, called 999 to report 'thrashing' sounds from Alfie's bathroom, 'like they are really hurting him'.

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On 15/06/2023 at 13:16, sancho panza said:

Not saying this poor wee man was killed by lockdown but they never did any cost/benefit analysis for the policy that I'm aware of.


The death became the latest addition to a heartbreaking roll call of children killed during the pandemic which includes Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, Finley Boden, Logan Mwangi and Star Hobson.

At Coventry Crown Court today, Scott remained composed in the dock as her partner Howell was sentenced.

Howell slumped forward in the dock, with his right hand cupping his chin, as Mr Justice Wall told the 41-year-old: 'I am sure that you got pleasure from inflicting pain and discomfort.

'In my judgment some of your actions can properly be described as sadistic.

The ten missed opportunities to save Alfie Steele 

1. 27/8/19 neighbour recorded Alfie screaming 'let me in' before Howell 'shoved' him to the floor and let him back in. She complained to the council over potential drug dealing at the house.

2. 2/3/20 A teaching assistant who knew Alfie saw Howell screaming at him outside a GP surgery, with Scott ignoring the abuse. Reported to school.

3: A PCSO in the area was told of above incident and approached Howell, who wouldn't engage. Police then arrive, and speak to Howell at a nearby shopping centre. He gave a false name.

4: 4/4/20 Next-door neighbour Daniel Grindrod called police at 5.30am reporting distressed whimpering sounds from Alfie and banging and crashing in house.

5: April 2020 Neighbour saw Alfie mopping floor at 4.30am, and another time Alfie outside in just his underwear on a winter's day. Reported to social services.

6: 5/4/20: Neighbour called police to report general concerns about Scott and Howell.

7: 10/4/20 Passer-by saw Howell screaming at Alfie outside a supermarket. Reported to police.

8: 4/5/20 Neighbour Graham Willetts called police after seeing Alfie locked outside in his boxer shorts.

9: 4/5/20 PC attended late night, Scott lied about Howell's presence but the officer saw him at a window and ordered him to leave. Checked on Alfie, who was in bed.

10: 3/8/20 The other next-door neighbour, Gemma Allcott, called 999 to report 'thrashing' sounds from Alfie's bathroom, 'like they are really hurting him'.

Multiple opportunities for someone to go and brake the nonce's jaw. The police know what's happening but the few remaining real coppers are powerless to do anything.

What's the worst that can happen? GBH charge, first offense, maximum a couple of months in the nick getting free food and board and painkillers. And that's if you knock him into a coma and he needs his face held together with wires. Just a few slaps and he'll probably fuck off of his own accord. These guys are like crack dealers, they know they're the wrongun but so long as they believe they'll get away with it, then they will. Just need a little dose of reality to send them back to their mum's house.

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13 minutes ago, sancho panza said:

They knew.......all along......this is from Dec 2020 when Churches had been shut to protect people from the coof




Grrrrr Tories bastids I'll vote Labour next time they'll make sure lockdown means lockdown and probably sort out those anti-vax bastids too 

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Just seen this. Is it evidence that it isn't the inoculations that are behind the excess deaths, but something else?

On 02/05/2023 at 00:52, sancho panza said:




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Austin Allegro
18 hours ago, Loki said:


Grrrrr Tories bastids I'll vote Labour next time they'll make sure lockdown means lockdown and probably sort out those anti-vax bastids too 

Yes, the average normie looks at that footage of the Tories partying during lockdown and sees it like the Nazis having those debauched parties in the Furherbunker as the Battle of Berlin raged overhead.

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sancho panza



CDC’s Walensky Knew Vaccines Didn’t Stop Infections in January 2021 But Still Told Americans “Vaccinated People Do Not Carry the Virus”, Email Reveals


CDC Director Rochelle Walensky knew that Covid vaccines did not stop infections in January 2021 but continued to claim they did and promote policies based on it, a newly released email reveals.

In the email dated January 30th 2021, Walensky says that then-Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci and then-NIH Director Francis Collins were also aware of the situation.

She wrote: “I had a call with Francis Collins this morning and one of the issues we discussed was that of vaccine breakthroughs. This is clearly an important area of study and was specifically called out this week here.”

“Francis is also discussing with Tony [Fauci],” she added.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, called it a “stunning FOIA revelation”. “Walensky knew about vax ‘breakthrough’ infections in January 2021. So did Tony Fauci. They continued to push vax mandates anyway,” he wrote on Twitter.


Dr. Bhattacharya also criticised the heavy redaction of the email, obscuring the entirety of Walensky’s explanation of her understanding of the issue, as it “is not a classified email”.

Dr. Bhattacharya retweeted a clip from March 29th 2021, two months after the email was sent, posted by Dr. Kevin Bass in which Walensky tells MSNBC that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.

March 29, 2021. Rochelle Walensky, Director of CDC, infamously declared on MSNBC: "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick."

New emails obtained by FOIA from Jan 30, 2021 now show that Walensky knew this was a lie at the time she said it.

1/2 pic.twitter.com/OoY1ZMUUXJ

— Kevin Bass PhD MS (@kevinnbass) June 20, 2023

U.S. Covid vaccination policy since 2021 has been based on the idea that the vaccines prevent the spread of the disease. Even as late as April this year federal vaccine mandates remained in force and a ban on unvaccinated visitors entering the United States was lifted only on May 12th.

Questions will be asked why officials continued to make claims for the vaccines, basing policies affecting millions of Americans on those claims, that it appears they knew to be untrue.

The revelations are also further confirmation that those worried about ‘disinformation’ need to reassess any simplistic assumption they have that the Government is inherently trustworthy and its claims constitute a sound basis for censorship.

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sancho panza


reprint of an old Johan Giesecke interview from March 2020.Relevant because the Dept of Health admitted to Steve Baker MP in a Parliamentray reply in 2022 that the IFR for covid was circa 0.1%.

In the Wetherspoons magazine

The key bit for me backs up what Prof John Ioannidis was saying in Stat news at the same time ie similar IFR to flu.

'Sky News: You mention that the overwhelming majority of people that get this disease have no symptoms or very minimal symptoms. Do we even know the real fatality rate of the coronavirus?

Johan: No. Well it’s around 0.1%.

Sky News: We were told it was 3% initially, initially 2%, are you saying now that it’s 0.1%., that’s pretty much the same fatality rate as the regular flu isn’t it?

Johan: I think it’s a bit higher actually. I said before in Sweden that this is like a severe influenza. I don’t think that’s completely true – it will be a bit more severe than the influenza, maybe double, but not tenfold.'




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Talking Monkey
On 22/06/2023 at 01:56, wherebee said:

doesn't matter until a mainstream media outlet runs that story.  might as well be written in shit on a public bathroom wall.

Okey dokes I'll have this written up tmrw. Messy work but hey ho. 

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sancho panza




A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the journal removed the study within 24 hours.

The study, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.

However, less than 24 hours later, the study was removed and a note appeared stating: “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.” While the study had not undergone any part of the peer-review process, the note implies it fell foul of “screening criteria”.

The original study abstract can be found in the Internet Archive. It reads (with my emphasis added):

Background: The rapid development and widespread deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, have led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction and carcinogenicity. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis. 

Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.

Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%) and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Interpretation: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.

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sancho panza


John Campbell presenting a preprint(not yet peer reviewed) paper discussing postmortem evidence of vaccin3 induced myocarditis.

I think the most iagnificant fact is that it hasn't been taken down yet .

#They know we know


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